It's Only Been Like Two Days Of Little Ness? It Feels Like It's Been Forever...

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Regina had used some leftover magic from her vault and Emma's blood to find out where Ness was, and now, Emma was a few blocks away from where it said Ness was.

She got to the apartment right as Rumple and Ness walked out

"Ah, Miss Swan, how nice to see you again. I suppose you're here for your sister?" He motioned to Ness.

"Yeah..." Emma grabbed Ness's arm and pulled her over her. "And, I guess I'm here for you too. We need-"

"Help? Yes, she told me all about what's happening in Storybrooke"

Emma picked up Ness and set her on her hip. She may want him to change Ness back but she didn't trust him around her, especially when Ness doesn't know what he is capable of. "Will you help?"

"On one condition, I get to stay in Storybrooke... And no word of my arrival will be spoken to Belle"

Emma nodded. "Alright, but only if you restore the magic to the town and everyone in it, and not take it for yourself."

"Then we have a deal, Miss Swan"


Maverick watched as Emma's Bug entered Storybrooke. The Dark One was there to stop him, and he wasn't happy. He hadn't yet absorbed the magic from Storybrooke, it still lingered, no one in the town was able to use it, and since Rumplestiltskin wasn't in town when he stole the magic, so for as long as the magic still lingers Rumple still has his magic, as does Ness.

Emma dropped Gold off at his shop to 'gather what he needed' to save the town. Little did Emma and Ness know, he had stolen the Snow Queen's scroll and was planning on using it for himself.

When the twins got to the loft, Charming ran over to his youngest daughter and hugged her. Ness stiffened, not used to this from anyone other than Killian.

Ness explained why and how she went to New York, and she apologized for nearly giving them, mainly Charming and Killian, a heart attack.

An hour later, Gold called, saying he had what he needed to save the town but he needed Emma and Ness. After twenty minutes of convincing Killian and Charming to let them go, they met up with Gold at the well. But not without taking Charming, Killian, and Regina with them

"The spell is simple-" Gold started. "-All I need from you two-" He pointed at Emma and Ness "Is a few drops of your blood."

Emma raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

"Because, you broke the curse so the magic could be returned and Vanessa's blood was what took away the magic. So mixing both of your blood, plus my spell will return the magic to where, and who, it belongs" He held out a needle "A few drops of blood from each of you on the dagger-" He pulled the dagger out from his jacket. "-and then I will do my thing. But, there is a catch. Since Vanessa's magic was what took away Storybrooke's magic, this spell will take away her magic as well as the darkness that made her able to take it away"

Charming froze. "You can get rid of the darkness that Mary Margaret and I accidentally put in her?"

Gold nodded. "Indeed, well sort of. The darkness cannot be destroyed, it needs to go into a vessel. I, can take the darkness for myself-"

"And give you more power?" Emma shook her head "We can find another way to rid Ness of the extra darkness"

"As I said, Miss Swan, the darkness cannot be destroyed. Vanessa's darkness won't give me more power, it's barely anything. Well compared to what I already have it's basically nothing. Why give the darkness to someone innocent, when you can give it to someone who already has darkness" Gold raised an eyebrow, as if challenging her.

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