This May Have Been A Mistake...

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~TW~ Infertility~

~An Hour Later~

"Hey, Regina..." 

Regina glanced up at me from the spellbook she was looking through, I don't think me and Regina have had a one-on-one conversation yet, other than that like five minute period when we first met. "Yes, Vanessa?"

"I uh... I was wondering if there was a way to..." She gave me a look that said 'spit it out'. "Erase some of my memories..."

Regina's demeanor changed from confused and annoyed to serious and still a bit confused. "Why do you want to do that?"

"Because... I want to forget my past... Everything from up until coming to Storybrooke and maybe some things after like Maverick coming and the murders..."

"Ness..." Regina stood up and put her hands on my shoulders. "This is a huge thing, you don't need to forget about everything just to have a good life. If you do this then you won't be you. Trust me, getting rid of memories isn't all you think it is, you feel like there's a part of you missing and you can't shake it..."

"Having all this pain and fear is a lot worse than forgetting a few things..."

Regina shook her head. "I don't think I can do this Ness, I mean yes I have the ability to and I have done it but 1. I don't want you to do something you'll regret and 2. I don't want your parents hating me"

I sighed, I'd never be able to convince her... "Okay..."

"I'm sorry Ness"

I gave her a small smile and went up to my room. If she didn't want to help me then I'd do it myself. First I'd need to find the spell in Regina's spellbook of something, then I'd need to somehow sneak into Regina's Vault and get the stuff I needed to make it.

I have no idea how I'm going to get to Regina's Vault, I could teleport but could I get back before anyone noticed I'm gone? Charming checks up on me every half hour and if he realizes I'm gone then he actually will send out a search party

"I'll have to be quick..." I said to no one in particular. "Or I can do it when everyone is asleep..." Yeah, that seemed like a better plan, then I didn't have to worry about anyone knowing I left. 

My only problem now is getting the spell so that I know what I'm getting from the vault... Sneaking out of my room, I leaned over the banister and looked into the kitchen where Regina had been before. She was nowhere to be seen and fortunately her book was sitting on the island

I snuck downstairs and to the kitchen, Snow was in the bedroom which had a clear view of the island but hopefully, she was too busy with Neal to notice. I shouldn't be up-and-about after what had happened but I needed to do this.

I opened the book and started flipping through the pages until finally, I came across the one I wanted: Memory Potion.

I quickly but quietly ripped out the page and stuffed it into my pocket.

"What are you doing Ness?"

I jumped, Snow came over and got some baby food out for Neal

"I was just looking through Regina's book, I was curious as to what kinds of spells and potions there are" Not all of that was a lie, I was looking through the book but not because I was curious.


I went upstairs and put the paper in the pages of my journal. Now I had to wait until everyone went to sleep, it was 5:33 and Snow and Charming went to bed around 10:30-11 so I had to wait five hours.

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