Father-Daughter Day

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~Third Person~

"Maybe you and Vanessa should have a day just the two of you. Like a Father-Daughter Day," Snow said, as she fed Neal

Charming raised an eyebrow at her. It wasn't like her to not want to spend time with Vanessa. Ever since Vanessa came to town Snow was always talking about what she wanted to with her, 

It was strange that Snow was now saying that Vanessa and Charming should spend time together. Charming thought she would want to spend time alone with Vanessa first "You think?"

"Yeah" She fed Neal another spoonful of food "She's already spent a day with all of us. We don't want to overwhelm her."

He nodded. That was the last thing they wanted to do. They were afraid that if they came on too strong that Vanessa would get scared and leave. 'It would be fun to have a day just me and Vanessa...' He thought "What would we even do?"

Charming had no idea what Vanessa liked to do. He doesn't even know if she wants to spend time with just him. This was one of those times when Charming wished they hadn't given her up. Snow had known that it was the right thing to do but Charming had doubts from the beginning 

He knew that it could be dangerous in the new world and that maybe she wouldn't have been their daughter but he still wished they hadn't given her up. From the moment the twins were born Charming felt a connection to Vanessa. 

They both loved both twins equally but Charming felt connected to Vanessa and Snow felt connected to Emma. Snow and Charming each named one twin. They didn't know that they were having twins until they had gone to Rumplestiltskin. 


"If it isn't Snow White and Prince Charming" Rumplestiltskin said, as they got closer to his cell

Charming put his arm protectively in front of Snow "We've come to ask you about-"

"Yes, yes, I know why you're here! You want to know about the Queen's Threat?" He interrupted

Snow took a step forwards. "Tell us what you know"

"Ohh! Tense, aren't we? Fear not: for I can ease your mind! But. It's gonna cost you something in return." Rumple's sing-songy voice echoed off the walls

Charming knew this was no use. Rumplestiltskin never did anything for free, and they'd never give him what he wants "No. This is a waste of time."

Snow had other ideas "What do you want?"

"Oh... the names of your unborn children?"

Charming turned slowly towards him "Children? As in-"


Charming and Snow turned to each other. They were having twins? This threw everything off. The wardrobe could only take one... What would happen if Snow went into labor early?

"So?" Rumple continued "Their names for information?"

Charming stood in between him and Snow "Absolutely not!"

Again, Snow had other ideas "Deal! What do you know?"

Charming sighed. His wife could be a handful at times

"Ah. The Queen has created a powerful curse. And it's coming. Soon you'll all be in a prison, just like me, only worse! Your prison--all of our prisons—will be time. And time will stop. And we will be trapped, someplace horrible, where everything we hold dear, everything we love will be ripped from us while we suffer for all eternity, while the Queen celebrates, victorious at last! ...No more happy endings"

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