Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

394 11 26

~Vanessa's POV~

"Hey Ven-" Ruby bounced over to where Emma and I were sitting. She set down mine and Emma's coffee's "-Firstly, the rest of your coffee's will be done shortly. Secondly, you and I-" she pointed to me "-are hanging out tonight whether you like it or not. We haven't gotten to hang out, just the two of us yet"

I sighed and rolled my eyes, there was no way I was getting out of this. "Alright. What time and my place or yours?"

"Yours and let's say seven?"


Ruby smiled and went to finish making the drinks. I turned back to Emma but before I could say anything I noticed movement behind her

Leaning to the side a bit, I tried to look behind her

"You okay sis?"

A man walked down the street in front of Granny's before disappearing. My heart sank and my blood ran cold.

This can't be happening... This cannot be happening!

"Ness, what's wrong?"

I opened my mouth to answer but nothing came out. That couldn't be him, how could he have gotten to Storybrooke...?

My whole body started to shake and I was having difficulty breathing. Panic attack... Great...


Everything was spinning and I'm very lightheaded. I tried to stand but I fell to the ground. leaning back against the counter, I brought my legs to my chest and buried my face in my knees

"Call David" I heard Emma say.

I felt like I wanted to vomit. How did he get here? He shouldn't have been able to get here

"Emma what happened?" Charming's voice asked

"I don't know. All of a sudden she just looked terrified and she started shaking, then she fell and curled up."

I felt someone put a hand on my shoulder. "Ness..." Charming's voice said "Ness are you okay?"

I managed to get my breathing under control and I picked my head up to look at him. He was kneeling in front of me with a worried look on his face. "He- he's here..."


More tears ran down my face as I tried to get the words out. I didn't want to say it, saying it made it real and I didn't want him to be in Storybrooke

"Hey hey..." Charming wiped the tears off of my cheek "It's okay Ness... Calm down and tell us who's here..."

"M-my kidnapper..."

Charming's demeanor changed, he went from worried to alarmed. He turned to Emma "Emma take Vanessa back to the loft, don't stop anywhere and get her straight inside-" he turned back to me "-you're going to stay with us until we take care of this, no if, and's or but's about it"

I nodded. I would be safer at the loft than I would be at home. Emma nodded, she helped me up and to her yellow bug.

The entire ride to the loft I couldn't stop shaking, I don't know what he has planned but I know it's not good and it involves me

We got to the loft and went straight inside, Snow came out from the bedroom with Neal.

"What's going on? David said something was wrong with Vanessa?"

I went over and sat in the chair on the furthest side of the living area.

"Ness had a panic attack and she said her kidnapper is in town. David said she's staying here until we find the guy and get him out"

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