Ice Cream

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~A/N~ I'm SO sorry about the lack of update for so long (The last time I updated was February..). I have EIGHTEEN works in progress rn and I keep coming up with more ideas. I now have a writing Instagram and Twitter (Insta: etta.rose.writes - Twitter: EttaRoseWrites) where I'm going to (hopefully) post about my fics and stuff, I'll probably post fic ideas that I have that I can't/don't want to write so if you want to chat or see what kind of fic ideas I have or see when I post new chapters/fics then go follow me! So now that the shameless self promo is over, I want to say again that I am SO sorry for the lack of update. I hope you enjoy this little filler chapter. I will try and update this more often, as well as my other books

Oh and another thing, I'm writing an original book! Well I'm trying... It's a mystery/murder mystery (there might be a murder idk yet). Idk when it will be done (I haven't even finished the first chapter) or when/if I will post it here, but I might!

Also I'm at a loss for what to do in this story so any ideas are appreciated! ~Etta

~The Same Day ~ Nessa's POV~

Robin allowed me to take Roland to get ice cream, but we had to bring him back some Rocky Road. 

As Roland and I walked hand and hand to the ice cream parlor, I saw Nyx sitting across the street at a restaurant, drinking something with her feet up on the table. Thankfully, she didn’t see me. 

"How have you been, Rol?"

He smiled up at me. "Been good! Daddy and I moved to a place called New York, but now we're back here" 

"Are you happy to be back in Storybrooke?"

Roland nodded. "Yep! I missed it here. New York is weird"

"It is," I laughed. 

We got to the ice cream parlor and got our ice cream. Roland got Rocky Road while I got Mint Chocolate Chip. Roland wanted to sit outside so I took him to one of the tables outside. 

I looked up to where Nyx was and found her staring at me. When she noticed I was looking, she smirked and winked at me. 

Rolling my eyes, I looked away and went back to talking with Roland. 


After Roland and I finished our ice cream, I decided to take him to the arcade before we headed back to the sheriff's station. 

"Well well well, if it isn't Vega" 

I recognized that voice immediately. "What do you want Nyx?" I turned around, crossing my arms. 

Nyx shrugged. "I just wanted to come say hi" She looked down at Roland. "This your kid?"

"No, this is my friend's kid"


I rolled my eyes. "No. And only I'm allowed to call her that. Now if you don't mind, we have games to play"

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