Who Would Have Done This?

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~Nessa's POV ~ At The Loft~

I walked into the loft and made extra sure to lock the door behind me, even going as far as to lock the extra lock that they had August install before the curse broke

There was a murderer on the loose and I wasn't having me or my brother be the next victim

I set Neal on his playmat while I made sure the windows were locked. Pulling out my phone I decided to text Emma

'We should put some protective enchants around the loft, I recommend blood magic. If we use your blood it would make it so not only me, you, Neal, Charming, and Snow can come and go as we please but Henry as well. While we're at it enchants around yours and Killian's place as well as Regina's place would be a good idea'

I set my phone down and turned to Neal, who stuck his arms up and made a grabby motion "Ness!"

Did he just say my name? I looked down at him and he made the grabby hands again. "Ness!"

I picked him up and he laid his head on my shoulder "Someone's tired"

My phone dinged signaling a text. 

Emma: Agreed. Regina's at her office so the loft and my place will have to wait till she's done because I haven't learned how to do protective enchants yet

Neal started to fuss so I decided to text Emma after I put Neal down for a nap. 

"You want a song little dude?"

Neal obviously wouldn't answer me but by the way he snuggled into my chest I took that as a yes. 

"They didn't have you where I come from
Never knew the best was yet to come
Life began when I saw your face
And I hear your laugh like a serenade"
I started singing

Neal snuggled more into my chest and yawned

"How long do you wanna be loved
Is forever enough, is forever enough
How long do you wanna be loved
Is forever enough
'Cause I'm never, never giving you up

I slip in bed when you're asleep
To hold you close and feel your breath on me
Tomorrow there'll be so much to do
So tonight I'll drift in a dream with you"

His eyes started to close as I sang

"How long do you wanna be loved 
Is forever enough, is forever enough
How long do you wanna be loved 
Is forever enough
'Cause I'm never, never giving you up

As you wander through this troubled world
In search of all things beautiful
You can close your eyes when you're miles away
And hear my voice like a serenade"

I smiled down at him, he was almost asleep. One more verse and he should be out

"How long do you wanna be loved 
Is forever enough, is forever enough
How long do you wanna be loved 
Is forever enough
'Cause I'm never, never giving you up"

Once I finished Neal was completely asleep. 

"That was amazing Nessa" 

I jumped and turned towards the door. Charming, Snow, and Emma were standing there 

"Jesus... You scared me" I went over and put Neal in his crib. How long had they been standing there?

"Sorry. What was that song?" Charming asked as he walked into the kitchen. Snow followed and started making something to eat while Emma sat at the kitchen island

Walking back into the main part of the room I leaned against the island "It's something Killian used to sing to me when I was little, usually after I had a nightmare. Have you guys found out who did it?" I said, obviously referring to the murder earlier 

Emma and Charming both shook their heads. 

"I talked to Spencer and he said he had nothing to do with it and his alibi checks out," Charming said

"We should put some enchants around the loft"

Emma shook her head "I said earlier, Regina's busy so she can't do the enchants."

"I can" The three of them looked at me shocked "I learned during the years I was portal jumping" I shrugged

"Alright. You can do the enchants"

I stood up straight and held my hand out "Your hand, Emma. Using your blood will make it so Henry can come and go as he wants as well as the rest of us. It technically would work with blood from any of us but your closer to Henry because you're his birth mother, it would be stronger using yours"

Emma nodded and gave me her hand. I took a few drops of her blood and set up the enchants. 

"There," I said as I finished "Only people with Charming Blood can get in. Unfortunately, that includes Killian and Regina"

Since neither Killian or Regina shared blood with Emma that means they couldn't enter the loft. 

"Who's blood should we use for mine and Killian's place?" She asked

"I know a way that uses two different people's blood. It takes a bit longer and isn't as strong but it will work. So we will use both yours and Killian's blood, and using yours means that the rest of us could go there if we need be. We'll do the same enchant at Regina's because if she uses her blood then that means only she is permitted, not Henry."

Emma nodded and texted Regina

"I'm not sure I feel okay with this..." Charming said to me "With you going out there. It's too dangerous"

"I'm the only person that can do this enchant. Either I do it or Killian and Emma aren't protected and Henry can't go back to Regina's until this is all over, and who knows when that will be. Even so, you can't keep me locked in the loft. Trust me I can't be locked somewhere for too long, I have way too much PTSD."

Charming looked over to Snow and they seemed to have a silent conversation, Snow gave him a look and he sighed

"Fine, you don't need to stay at the loft. But whenever you're out you need to either be with someone or call us every hour or so, so that we know you're safe" 

I was going to protest but I could see that it wouldn't get me anywhere. Either I stayed in the loft or I agree to their conditions "Alright. It's not like I'll be going anywhere but Granny's but I'll call every hour and a half"

Charming smiled "Thank you. We just want to make sure you're safe"

Emma's phone went off and she walked outside to answer it. Not long later she came back with a worried look on her face

"They found another one... They said it looks like he's been dead for an hour, maybe two"

Charming went to grab his truck keys but Emma stopped him

"That's not all... Witnesses say they saw Vanessa at the crime scene... Covered in blood..."

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