Helping Out

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~Two Days Later ~ Nessa's POV~

After walking out of Granny's with my Iced Coffee -You have no idea how much I've missed Granny's Iced Coffee- I spotted the library across the street

I need to distract myself

I headed over to the library and after struggling to open the door with only one hand and my iced coffee I finally made it inside. 

Inside putting books on shelves was the woman I met at Mr. Gold's shop. Belle, I think her name was

"Hey, Vanessa, right?" She asked when she saw me come in

"Yeah. Most people call me Ness or Nessa though"

She smiled and continued putting books away "Is there anything I can help you with?"

"Uh not really. I just figured I could get my mind off of... Everything that's happening... And I don't know maybe help out around here or something"

Belle glanced down at my broken arm and then back at me. "You sure you can help with only one arm?"

"I can manage"

We both laughed and she passed me some books and told me how to find where they went. As we were putting books away we started chatting

"So what's it like in the Land Without Magic?" Belle asked 

"Um, it's cool. Boring without magic" I laughed "It's really different to all the other realms I've been to"

"What other realms have you been to?"

Stopping, I started thinking "Wonderland, Camelot, Arendelle, Agrabah, Oz" I paused as I tried to remember "Neverland, The Land Without Color, and I think that's it..."

After Hook left I went Portal Jumping and went to many different realms. That's the reason I never aged. Since I went to a bunch of realms where time stood still I never aged, I was 15 at the time so I stayed 15 until I went to the Land Without Magic. That's where I stayed until I came to Storybrooke

Belle also stopped what she was doing, she looked at me with astonishment 

"You've been basically everywhere... I've always wanted to travel. It's been my dream"

I smiled "Maybe we can go to all the different realms one day"

"How? Magic beans are hard to come by in the Enchanted Forest, let alone this world"

Smirking, I continued putting away books "You don't need a magic bean when you have magic"

She froze "You can open portals?"

I nodded. I told her about my powers: Portal Opening, Fire Control, Water Control, Ice Control, Mentally Generated Weaponry, Forcefields, Invisibility, and Normal Witchcraft like Teleportation, Conjuration, Telekinesis, etc. I don't know why I have magic. All I know is that I was born with it like Emma was, but Emma is the Savior so that's normal.

By the time we were finished, it was dark so we decided to call it a night. After getting back to the loft, I stopped when I heard my name

"It's just... You've been all about Vanessa since she came to town... I don't want Emma to feel left out or forgotten" Snow's voice said

"Vanessa is our daughter too. Emma has had us in her life ever since the curse broke... Vanessa hasn't for her entire life! Vanessa needs us too..." Charming's voice replied

I looked down at my hands, I've always thought that they loved and wanted Emma more but I hoped I was wrong. Guess I wasn't. 

A couple of tears ran down my cheeks. I knew this wouldn't last long... 

"I know she does..." Snow started "I just don't want Emma to feel left out"

"But it's okay for Nessa to feel left out?"

"Of course not! I just... I want you to keep Emma's feelings in mind"

"Alright. I will"

I waited a couple of minutes before walking in so that they didn't know I had heard them. 

"Hey, Ness" Charming said as I walked in.

"Hey Charming" I smiled, although it was fake. "I'm gonna go to sleep"

Charming motioned to the kitchen "You don't want dinner?"

"No, thanks. I ate at Granny's" I bit my lip and gave him another fake smile before heading upstairs. 

That was a lie, I didn't eat at Granny's. After I left the library I came straight here, I just couldn't be down there with them right now

I laid down on the bed and curled into a ball under the covers. They don't want me. It was always about Emma, ever since the beginning. I may be overreacting because of a stupid comment but when everyone you have ever known or loved leaves you, you would also feel this way. Especially when your parents, the people who are supposed to love and care for you no matter what, say that it's okay for you to feel unloved but not your sibling

~Charming's POV~

I watched Vanessa walk upstairs. Something was wrong, I could tell the difference between her fake smiles and her real smiles, and that smile was definitely fake

"You okay David?"

I shook my head "Ness is lying to us"

I haven't known Nessa long but I picked up on the fact that whenever she's lying she bites her lip. She also does it when she's nervous or scared, but she had no reason to be either of those

"What makes you think that?"

"Whenever she's lying she bites her lip. Why would she be lying to us..."

I know she's still trying to get used to us and to being here but why would she lie to me? Especially about eating...

"I'm going to make sure she's okay" 

I walked upstairs and knocked on her door. Nothing... Slowly, I opened the door. The light was still on but it looked like Nessa was asleep. I went over and sat on the edge of her bed

She was curled up asleep. I noticed tear stains on her face, had she been crying? Looking at her made my heart break. She was still covered in bruises but she also had scars all over her face. 

Some of the scars looked new, others looked old. I hadn't noticed them before, I pulled the blanket down a little bit so I could look at her arms. Both her arms were covered in scars. They were faint, so much so that you had to look closely in order to see them, but once you saw them it was all you could see

I covered her again and kissed her forehead

"I love you, Butterfly"

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