Viva La Pluto Fuck You

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~A/N~ Sorry for the wait! I have two other Works In Progress that I'm trying to write!~

~The Next Morning ~ Third Person~

"What are we going to do?" Emma asked, She, Killian, Regina, Snow, and Charming were sitting in the kitchen drinking coffee, trying to figure out how to change Nessa back.

"I don't know." Regina took a sip of her coffee. "If I knew what she put in the potion and what fell in it I could make an antidote..."

Killian decided to join the conversation "Maybe Ness has a certain power that can help-"

"No!" Snow and Charming shouted, cutting him off. The others looked at them like they were crazy.

"I mean-" Charming started. "We don't know what she knows about her powers, if anything... She might not know what powers she has..."

Killian shook his head. "Ness has been using her magic ever since I saved her, which to her was a year or so ago. She knows how to use them and knows most of the powers she has, the only time she doesn't know what powers she has is if they're new"

Emma looked between her parents, something was off with them. They were never like this. Before Ness was turned into a child, she told Emma about how Snow and Charming were way too concerned about her magic and that they didn't want her using it. "Why don't you want Ness using her magic?"

Snow and Charming shared an apprehensive look. "It's not that we don't want her using them, it's that we're not sure if it's safe"

"You weren't concerned for her safety when you sent her away," Regina said to herself.

Unfortunately, Charming heard her. "We wouldn't have had to give either of them up if it wasn't for your curse"

Before Regina could retaliate, Emma held up her hands to quiet them. "Enough!" She turned to her parents. "Ness told me about how you've told her that she shouldn't be using her magic. You've never told me not to use mine so what's your deal?"

Snow and Charming knew they had to come clean.

Snow explained that when she was pregnant with the twins, they went to the apprentice to see if there was a way to take away Emma's darkness and make her pure. The apprentice told them that he could take out her darkness, but he had to put it into another being. So they took Maleficent's egg, thinking that the darkness wouldn't affect something that would already potentially have darkness, and they gave it to the apprentice. They didn't know this at the time but after he took away Emma's darkness only half of it went to Maleficent's egg, the other half went to Vanessa, giving her more darkness than any one person should have. By the time the apprentice realized that there were twins it was too late, Vanessa already had too much darkness. He wanted to tell them about the twin but the portal opened, taking the egg, and Snow and Charming started freaking out about it, not giving the apprentice a chance to.

Then, after they got the apprentice and the fairies out of the hat, he was able to tell them about Vanessa's darkness, that because of it her life can't have a normal chance of either being good or bad, that because of the darkness her life would lean more towards the bad. Meaning that even if Vanessa doesn't realize it, no matter what happens, her life would always be on the bad side and full of bad luck. He told them that Vanessa's magic wasn't like Emma's, it was dark, and the more she used it, the darker she would become. Snow and Charming knew they had to try and persuade her from using it, for fear of their daughter turning evil.

"So you guys took my potential darkness, gave half of it to Maleficent's child, and half of it to Vanessa..." Emma said slowly, as she tried to understand it. "And basically doomed her to a life of darkness..."

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