Oh Hi, Thanks For Checking In I'm Still A Piece Of Garrbaagge

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~A/N~ I'm sorry for the long wait and I'm sorry that this chapter sucks. I think I'm going, to write a few chapters before I publish the next one so that I can just publish one whenever I don't feel like/can't write so it might be a while before the next upload

~The Next Day ~ Nessa's POV~

After laying in bed trying, and failing, to go back to sleep, I got up and put on a black spaghetti strap tank top and a pair of jean shorts, along with my black ankle boots that I always wear.

I headed downstairs and tried to sneak out, without waking anyone.

"Where are you going?"

I turned around, Charming came out of the bedroom holding Neal. "Granny's"

"You don't want to have breakfast here?"

I sighed and sat at the island. Charming smiled, he set Neal in his highchair and started making breakfast.

By the time he was done, Snow was awake and Emma and Killian were over for breakfast.

Afterwards, Charming allowed me to go to Granny's. I really need to get my house fixed and set up again.

I was almost out the door when Charming called my name, when I turned he held up a card.

"Your license fell out of your wallet." He did a double-take at it "Vanessa Jones...?"

Uh oh... Killian, Emma, and Snow looked over at us.


"You took Hook's last name...?" He crossed his arms.

I shut the door and leaned against it. "Okay listen-"

Killian came over. "Well, why can't she have my name? I did raise her"

"She's my daughter"

"That you gave to a bloody fairy before throwing your other daughter into a closet!"

"We had no choice!"

Emma and Snow came over and tried to pull them away from each other.

I went and stood in between them. "Calm down and let me explain"

Killian and Charming calmed and turned to me.

"I got my license after I left Storybrooke... I needed a last name and before when I met Grown Up Neal, I used the first name I thought of which was Nolan. I thought about using it for my license but I was mad at you guys... So I used Jones..."

"Vanessa Jones does sound better than Vanessa Nolan," Emma said, shrugging.

Charming crossed his arms. "That's not the point! The point is that my daughter doesn't have my last name!"

"Okay, one: It's your cursed last name, not even your real last name, and two: Emma doesn't have the last name Nolan either!" I rolled my eyes and leaned against the door.

"And that bothers me too! Both of our daughters should have our last name, and I don't care if it's our cursed last name"

I shook my head and grabbed my jacket. "I can have whatever last name I want to have, whether that's a name I come up with, your name, Killian's name, Snow's name, or even Emma's name! Ya know what, maybe I'll change my last name to Swan just to get you guys off my back and stop this stupid fight. It's just a name! Now I'm going to Granny's" and with that, I left.

I'm so done with them, I'm so done with Charming and Killian always fighting about me, I'm so done with needing permission to leave. I just want my own damn life.

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