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~The Next Morning ~ Vanessa's POV~

I groaned and sat up. I looked around the room. This isn't my room at Granny's... Where am I? I'm still in my dress from last night. Was I drugged and taken on my way back?

I started to panic a bit. What happened? The last thing I remember was sitting in the Loft with Snow and David.

Wait... Am I at the loft?

Just then there was a knock at the door

"Come in?"

The door opened and David walked in. Once I saw him I relaxed. I knew that if David was there then I was safe

"Morning" David said leaning against the door frame "How did you sleep?"


He smiled "Good. Mary Margaret left you some clothes" He nodded over to a pile of clothes on a chair in the room "When you're done getting dressed come down. I made breakfast"

I nodded and he left. I went over to the clothes, there was a gray t-shirt and jeans. I got dressed and headed downstairs

David was standing in the kitchen cooking while Snow sat at the table feeding Neal baby food. I walked down and sat at the island.

"Hey," David said glancing at me as he put the eggs on plates

"Did I fall asleep here?"

I was still confused as to why I was here.

David laughed "Yeah. We figured we'd let you sleep instead of waking you up"

"Thanks." I yawned "I honestly haven't gotten much sleep since I've been here"

David set a plate of scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast in front of me. "Why?"

There was a look in his eyes and a sound in his voice that I couldn't place... Worry... That's what it was. I'm not used to people worrying about me...

"I don't know... Because I've been nervous about being in Storybrooke I guess..."

David handed Snow a plate and then sat down at the island, across from me. I took a bite of my eggs. I looked down at the eggs and smiled softly

"Something wrong?"

I shook my head "Nope. I just love cheese on my eggs..." I smiled a bit

Every time I had eggs I always got cheese on them.

"Really?" David asked smiling "Good to know"

Snow finished feeding Neal and joined us at the island with her plate and Neal "How come you're nervous about being here? Is it cause of us?

"No... I think it's just being the new person in a small town. I mean, no one knew about me and suddenly a girl comes to town saying she's the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming and the twin of the Savior. It's especially weird cause I'm much younger than Emma..."

Snow put her hand on my shoulder "Everyone in the town is nice and trust me, there are weirder things that have happened"

I smiled at her. I went to say something else but my phone went off.

There was a text from Hook. Since when did Hook have my number?

Hook: Hey Nessa, meet me at the docks. Please?

I sighed. Should I go meet Hook?

"What's wrong?" David asked

"Nothing. Hook wants me to meet him at the docks..."

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