In Which Everything Goes Wonderfully Wrong

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~Third Person~

Vanessa woke up the next morning feeling not much better than she did before she went to sleep. After 20 minutes of debating on whether to go back to sleep or not, she got out of bed and took a shower

When she got out she put on a gray shirt that said 'You cannot imagine the immensity of the fuck I do not give', her leather jacket and a pair of jeans.

She was planning on going to the sheriff's station today to talk to Charming and Emma, hopefully, everything won't go to hell but that's highly unlikely

Vanessa grabbed her car keys and drove to Granny's.

"Hey, Ven!" Ruby said cheerfully as Vanessa walked in "The usual?"

Vanessa nodded. "Plus two normal coffees, whichever way Charming and Emma like them, and three things of onion rings"

"You're making up with them?"

Nessa shook her head. "Not making up, just talking"

Ruby nodded, she started making the order and not long later Vanessa was on her way to the sheriff's station. She sat in her car for what felt like forever, trying to mentally prepare herself

Finally, she got up the courage to go in. Charming was at his desk going through papers and Emma was on the phone with someone. When Vanessa walked into the main room, both of them looked up and were surprised to see Vanessa

"Regina I'm gonna have to call you back" Emma said before hanging up the phone. She came over and leaned against Charming's desk

Vanessa set the drink holder and bag on Charming's desk. "I brought you guys coffee..."

Emma and Charming gave each other a look, unsure on why Vanessa was here. Charming took the coffee closest to him and took a sip. "What's up Ness...?"

Vanessa sat down in the chair in front of Charming's desk. She wasn't entirely sure why she was there, she knew she was coming to talk to them but she didn't know about what

'I wish I would have thought of what I was going to say on my way here' She thought as she took a sip of her coffee. "Honestly... I have no idea why I'm here..."

Charming couldn't help but chuckle. "Well, you're welcome to stay"

Emma nodded and grabbed her coffee.

"There's onion rings in the bag if you want them..."

"Wow Ness, you know exactly how to get my attention, coffee and onion rings." She joked, causing both Charming and Nessa to laugh "This seems to be another thing we have in common"

"You both dress alike too" Charming nodded over towards Nessa's jacket. Vanessa and Emma were wearing almost the exact same outfit again, the only difference was that Vanessa's shirt was dark gray and had writing while Emma's was light gray with no writing

Emma read Nessa's shirt and nearly choked on her coffee. "Dude, your shirt is amazing"

Nessa gave her a small smile, then they went into uncomfortable silence.

"Nessa..." Charming started. He wasn't sure if she would even want to hear anything he had to say, but then again, why else would she be here? "I know I keep saying this but I truly am sorry... I-"

A quiet voice cut him off. "I know..."

That surprised Charming, he wasn't expecting her to say anything like that, he was mostly expecting sarcasm.

"I overreacted..." Nessa said, biting her lip. She looked down at the ground, not able to look at them

Charming went over and crouched down in front of his daughter. "You did no such thing Nessa, you have every right to feel the way you did, you were hurt, we understand."

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