You've Gotta Be Dunkin' My Donuts

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~Charming's POV~

"David, where are we going" Emma put her hand on the door of my truck to stop me from getting inside

"We're going to question Ryder again. He is involved in this somehow and I'm going to find out how"

Nessa didn't murder anyone and I was wrong to think she did. Ryder had something to do with it and I won't stop until I find out what

"David, we can't prove that he did anything. He had a pretty tight alibi"

"He could have paid people to be his alibi or he could have done the murders and then went somewhere to have an alibi. But he did something to Vanessa and I'm going to find out what, are you going to come or not?"

Emma sighed and gave in, she let go of the door and went to get in the passenger seat. I got into the driver's seat and drove to Granny's, where Ryder has been staying

We walked into Granny's and got Ruby's attention. "We need to talk to Ryder. Can we go up to his room?"

"Sure. His room number is 213"


We went upstairs and to room 213. Emma and I glanced at each other before knocking. There was shuffling on the other side of the door and the sound of something wooden slamming shut before he finally opened the door. "What can I do for you Sheriffs?"

"What did you do to Vanessa?" There was no use beating around the bush. I wanted answers and I wanted them now

"I didn't do anything to her"

He leaned against the door frame and pulled the door closed so we couldn't see inside. Is he hiding something? I looked over at Emma who seemed to be thinking the same thing

"Can we take a look inside?" She asked, motioning to the door.

He looked over his shoulder and then back to us. He was definitely hiding something "No"

"Why not?"

"Cause this is my room and I want my privacy"

"You may not know this-" Emma leaned closer to him "-but I have a superpower, I can tell when people are lying, and you are definitely lying"

Ryder leaned closer to her "You may not know this, but I don't care..."

I grabbed him by his shirt and slammed him against the door frame. "Don't you ever disrespect my daughter like that ever again. Understand me? Actually don't disrespect either of my daughters like that. Cause if you do I swear to god I'll kill you"

Emma put her hand on my shoulder and pulled me away. She shook her head as to say 'Don't. It's not worth it' and turned to Ryder again 

"Listen, you can either cooperate and let us look around or you can tell us no and we'll come back with a warrant. If you don't let us in it'll make everything worse for you"

Ryder rolled his eyes and stepped aside "Fine"

Emma and I went in and started searching. Nothing was out of the ordinary, everything was neat as if no one lived here which is odd. No one would ever be this tidy unless they were hiding something. We looked everywhere we could think of, Emma even looked in spots I didn't even think of like under some loose floorboards, behind loose bathroom tiles, under small things. 

Unfortunately, we didn't find anything. But that didn't dissuade me from thinking he has something to do with this


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