Mama... Just Killed A Man...

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~The Next Day ~ Emma's POV~

"You okay Emma?"

I glanced up at David before going back to the papers I was going through "Yeah, I'm just trying to find out who did this..."

"You should take a break, Hook said you haven't been sleeping lately"

He was right, I haven't been sleeping. I need to prove that my sister is innocent. If the town keeps believing she's a murderer then she'll end up leaving and I can't have that, David was a mess when she left the first time, we all were. 

Not only that but there's something about Ness that seems familiar to me, I can't quite place it though...

"I'm fine David"

He didn't believe me but I could tell he didn't want to push it. Just then, my phone started ringing

Pulling it out of my pocket, I answered it "Sheriff Swan" 

"Emma" Granny's voice said, her voice quivered "There's another one..."

She didn't need to say what it was. I already knew. They found another body...

"I'm on my way" I hung up without waiting for an answer. David looked at me curiously as I got my gun out "There's been another murder"

David had his gun and was ready to leave before I could even grab my car keys. We decided to take my bug and we drove out to Granny's

Granny was standing in front of the diner. We got out of the car and without saying a word she motioned for us to follow her. She led us behind the diner where Ruby was standing

"I- I was taking out the trash a-and I found her..." Ruby said, her voice shaking. David and I looked down at the body and then back at each other. We didn't know who this one was either

"What's that?" David nodded over to something behind the dumpsters. There was something white and inside it, there was something shining. After walking over to inspect it we realized it was a white shirt and a necklace. 

I carefully picked them up and put them into baggies. It was beautiful, I've never seen anything like it, especially in Storybrooke. It was heart-shaped with blue, purple and pink gems on the inside

~An Hour Later~

"Just got the test results back from the hospital" 

David looked up from his desk. I went over and sat the papers on his desk 

"The blood on the shirt matches the victim..." I didn't want to say what else I found out. I'm not sure how David will react

He noticed I was hiding something"What's going on Emma?"

"They found fingerprints on the necklace when they were collecting blood samples... The fingerprints matched Vanessa's... David, I'm sorry but we need to arrest her..."

"You really think your sister did this?"

I didn't at first, not even when people were saying they saw her there. Some people that have magic could have changed themselves to look like her like Cora did when we thought Regina killed Archie. But now we have fingerprints that prove Vanessa was there "I didn't at first... But David there's proof, how else would her fingerprints have been on that necklace"

David didn't want to believe it. I could see it in his eyes. He wanted Vanessa to be his sweet, innocent little girl, not a murderer

I grabbed the patrol car's keys. "Let's go"

The car ride to the loft was silent. I didn't want to arrest Vanessa, she was my sister after all, but I have to do what is right for the town

When we walked inside the loft we saw Vanessa sitting on the couch reading Neal a book while Henry sat next to her and watched

"What's going on?" Mary Margaret asked when she saw us. 

"We..." I closed my eyes and took a deep breath "Vanessa is under arrest..."

Vanessa stood up and set a sleeping Neal on her hip "What are you talking about? I didn't do anything"

"I'll explain more at the station. But I need to take you in... and I need to do it right" I pulled out a pair of handcuffs. Mary Margaret went to protest but Vanessa stopped her. 

She handed Neal over to Mary Margaret and walked over. 

"Mom, you can't arrest Aunt Ness, she didn't do it"

"Sorry kid..."

I clicked the handcuffs shut around her wrists and led her outside

~At The Station~

Vanessa was sitting in the interrogation room, handcuffed to the table. David tried to convince me to take the cuffs off of her but I told him I had to do it this way. I grabbed the baggies with the evidence and went into the room

"Vanessa, does this look familiar to you?" I set the baggie with the shirt in front of her. 

She picked it up looked it over "I think I may have a shirt like this"

I set the other bag in front of her "What about this?"

She had a completely different reaction with the necklace then she did with the shirt. With the shirt, she had a bored tone, but with the necklace, her whole attitude changed. She sat up and brought it closer to her "Where did you get this?"

"It was near the body. Do you recognize it?"

She nodded. "It's a necklace that Killian gave me for my 13th birthday. He called it The Heart Of The Sea... But this can't be mine. Mine is in a box in my room at the loft"

"Does anybody else know of this necklace?"

She shook her head "Not that I know of"

"Can you go see if your necklace is still at the loft?"

She looked down at the handcuffs and then back at me "Not with the handcuffs so you're going to have to unlock me unless we're taking this table to the loft"

I heard David laugh from behind the one-way mirror as I unlocked Vanessa's cuffs. We drove to the loft and went up to Vanessa's room where she pulled a box out from the closet. 

Kneeling in front of it, she opened it and started rummaging through it. After a minute or two of searching, she froze before pulling everything out. She pulled out a blanket -that looked a lot like my baby blanket-, a bear, a small bag, some paper, a small dress, and finally some small shoes. But no necklace

"It's gone..."

David and I shared a look of confusion. "What do you mean it's gone?"

"I don't know. It's not here..."

"Then maybe the one at the station is yours..." David said, he went over and picked up the blanket. Either Vanessa didn't notice or she didn't care cause she continued looking at the empty box

David handed me the blanket, after taking it I realized it was just like my baby blanket. It had the same type of fabric and everything, the only difference was that it said 'Vanessa' instead of Emma and it had red instead of purple "I didn't know you had a blanket like mine"

Vanessa glanced up and realized I was holding her baby blanket. "Uh yeah."

"Wait, if the necklace at the station is your necklace," David said pointing at Vanessa "Then how did it get at the crime scene... Unless..." He trailed off

Vanessa and I both knew where he was going with that... It wouldn't be there unless Vanessa was the killer

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