Good Idea? Bad Idea? I Don't Care!

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~A/N~ Sorry for such a long wait! Here's a long chapter for you guys! ALSO Raised By A Pirate is at 1900 reads! Thank you so much!! I love you Awesome Nerds!~

"I'm not letting that happen. Not now, and not ever"


~Vanessa's POV~

~A Couple Hours Later ~ 10am~

I pulled my journal out of my bag, I haven't written in it since the first day I got it

October 18th

A lot has happened in the past five days. Maverick is in town, he broke into my house so now I'm staying with Snow and Charming, the whole town is in danger because of me, oh and apparently mine and Emma's birthday is coming up on the 22nd.

Although we won't be able to enjoy it if Maverick is in town...

I wonder what Snow and Charming are planning, if they're even planning anything. Charming said that Snow wanted to do something with us but she probably just wants to do something with Emma, since Snow hasn't really showed any type of motherly affection to me the entire time I've been here

Speaking of parents, I called Charming "Dad" last night... It was weird, I didn't even realize I had said it until a couple of minutes later... The weirdest part is that it felt... Normal... It didn't feel weird like I thought it would have...

I had a nightmare last night that Maverick came for me again... Like every other nightmare I've had since Killian saved me. I wanted to alert Charming and the others but I didn't want them to get hurt... I think him hurting them would have been a lot worse than anything he would have done to me...

After Charming woke me up from my nightmare and calmed me down we went downstairs and had ice cream, it was weird because the last time the last time I had someone comfort me like that was before Kilian left... But it was different this time, before when it was Killian comforting me it was like a brother comforting his sister, but with Charming it was a father comforting his daughter....

Which is something I never got to have...

A few tears ran down my face. Why? I don't know. Maybe I'm finally realizing that I have what I wanted for almost 30 years... My father...

I wanted Snow too but Charming has been the only one that actually seems like he wants me here... But it seems too good to be true, way too good, you know how I know it's too good to be true? Because I'm happy... I hate being happy, I'm afraid of being happy, because everytime I'm happy something bad always happens...

Yawning, I closed my journal and laid back on the bed. I haven't slept at all since the nightmare, Charming and I parted ways about an hour after we finished our ice cream but I couldn't fall asleep, I tossed and turned for two hours before giving up. I sighed, getting out of bed and going downstairs.

I decided to make some breakfast since I couldn't leave to go get some. After making coffee, I started making pancakes and bacon.

"Ness" A tiny voice said, I turned and saw Neal standing up in his crib. He outstretched his arms towards me and made a grab motion.

Laughing, I went over to pick him up and brought him over to the kitchen area.

"Ness!" He giggled and rested his head on my shoulder. While I waited to flip the pancakes, I got out Neal's baby food and put him into his high chair

He was at the age where he could somewhat feed himself but he still needed to be watched, mainly to make sure he didn't throw the food.

I finished making enough food for everyone, including Emma, Killian and Henry if they ended up coming over, and, after using my magic to keep the food warm, I got myself some food.

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