Confusion, Dates, And Some Hot Chocolate

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~A/N~ Okay I know I keep saying it but I'm REALLY sorry about the lack of updates. I'm going to write a bunch of chapters and save them up so that I can post weekly, like I am with some of my other stories (I still have SO MANY works in progress) so it'll be a while until the next chapter but hopefully after that it will be weekly updates.

I don't really know what I want to do in this fic which is one of the reasons that it's taking me so long to update. I was originally going to have it follow the events of the show, but with Nessa tagging along (this is supposed to take place between the Frozen Arc and the Queens Of Darkness Arc but I think timeline wise I kinda passed whenever the second S4 Arc was supposed to be since it's like November in the story now. Also I'm mad that I passed Halloween lol) but I'm not sure if I want to do that or take it my own way. What do you think I should do? Follow the show or do my own thing, and if I do my own thing, what do you think I should do?

On another note, Raised By A Pirate has over 30 THOUSAND VIEWS! Like that's SO crazy. Thank you to whoever reads this garbage that I write and a BIG thank you to anyone who is still reading this

Sorry for this sucky chapter


The next morning, Nessa sat at the kitchen island, thinking about what everyone was saying about Ruby liking her. Multiple people have said to her that Ruby liked her… But Nessa didn't think she did, though she could just be oblivious.

She watched as Ruby made breakfast, gracefully moving around the kitchen, and she couldn't stop thinking about the dream she had last night.

In the dream, she and Ruby had been a couple… It was weird, not in a bad way, more in a 'why am I dreaming this' kind of way. They were really happy and in love in the dream, Nessa hadn't felt that happy in a long time…

"Do you want to go out?" Nessa said, without even realizing.

Ruby looked up at her confused. "What do you mean? Like to eat? Do you not like what I'm making?" She held up the pan she was holding.

Ness shook her head. "No, no not that. I love your food. I meant like… Out… Like when two people go out and sometimes they get food, or some other things…"

Ruby raised an eyebrow, pointing at her with the spatula she was holding. "Vanessa Jones, are you asking me out on a date?"

Nessa sighed. "I think so…"

Ruby smiled, laughing a bit. “Sure, I’ll go out with you”

“Okay cool… I’ll uh… I’ll plan it…”

Ruby laughed at her awkwardness and started plating the breakfast. “Hungry?” 

“Yeah…” Nessa nodded. Everything felt awkward and she hoped that once they started eating it would be a little less awkward. She didn’t even know why it felt awkward, it was either because she just asked her best friend out, or because she was going out with a girl when she didn’t even know if she liked girls.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2023 ⏰

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