The Stranger

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~Maverick's (The kidnappers) POV~

The chair I threw broke as it hit the wall. How the hell did she escape! I needed her! She was to help me get to that stupid magical town!

I threw another chair, this time it knocked a picture off of my mantle. Picking up the picture I realized something...

My son... My son can get there. He's in the Enchanted Forest and is just as Evil as me... Perhaps even more. I smirked, now all I have to do is make sure he knows what he needs to do...

Get me into Storybrooke...

I rummaged through the drawers until I found what I was looking for: A small bottle, a bottle that can carry a voice message to any realm

"Son, my son. You need to get to a small town in the Land Without Magic... A town called Storybrooke, Maine, and you need to find a way to get me there..."

And now, now we wait...

~Mysterious Kid's POV~

"Son, My son..."

What the hell? Where is that voice coming from? It sounds like... Like Papa... But Papa is in the Land Without Magic

"You need to get to a small town in the Land Without Magic... A Town called Storybrooke, Maine, and you need to find a way to get me there..."

I'll do it, Papa... I'll get you to Storybrooke.

Running into my room, I found my magic bean. I've had this bean for a very long time, saving it for the perfect moment... This moment

I filled a backpack with anything and everything I would need, once I was sure I was ready I threw the been

A bright green hole opened up in the floor, darker green swirling inside. I jumped inside and next thing I knew I was in the middle of a street

To my left was a sign 'Leaving Storybrooke'

I'm in Storybrooke...

I started walking towards the town, all I need to do is find out how to get Papa here. Looking around at my surroundings, not far from where I was standing was a place called 'Granny's'

Sitting inside of the diner was a girl with long, messy black hair. She was laughing at something the brunette behind the counter said. The girl was beautiful, she looked out the window and I could see her eyes were a bright blue. As I stared at her, it looked like the blue darkened. I looked to where she was looking, a man with blond hair and a woman with short black hair were walking towards the diner, the woman was holding a small child who looked not even a year old

I hid before they saw me. The man and woman walked into the diner, the woman sat in a booth with the baby while the man said something to the girl behind the counter, then he said something to the beautiful dark-haired girl. She seemed more comfortable around him than the woman

Finally, I realized who they were: Snow White and Prince Charming.

Once Prince Charming went to sit with his wife I decided to go inside instead of being creepy and stalking them. When I walked inside everyone turned to look at me, I guess in a small town whenever someone new comes to town it's big news

I sat at the counter a seat away from the beautiful dark-haired girl.

"Can I get you anything?" The girl behind the counter asked

"Black coffee"

She nodded and went to go make my order. While I was waiting, I turned to the dark-haired girl. I stuck my hand out and introduced myself "Hi, I'm Ryder. Ryder Anderson"

"Vanessa" She ignored my hand, looking at me as if trying to figure out if she could trust me

"Nice to meet you Vanessa" I glanced behind me and saw Prince Charming glaring at me. What was his deal? By this time the girl behind the counter brought my coffee

The dark-haired girl, Vanessa, turned to me "How did you get here? Most people don't know about this small town"

Smirking, I leaned towards her so that my lips weren't far from her ear "Let's talk about it over dinner?"

"You talk enough for the both of us"

A snort of laughter came from behind us, I turned and saw Prince Charming sitting with his hand over his mouth as he tried not to laugh, and was failing miserably.

I turned back to Vanessa "C'mon... Just one night?"

"How bout no?"

Playing hard to get huh? That wasn't going to stop me. "How about a drink then?"

"Y'know, your mother may have told you that you could be anything you wanted but a douchebag wasn't one of them" She grabbed her Iced Coffee and left.

I sat there shocked, did she really just say that? I glanced back at Prince Charming who now had his head laying on his arms on the table as his body shook with laughter. Rolling my eyes I got up and walked out.

If she was going to be like that then so be it. Did I come on too strong? Probably. Did she need to be like that when I was just politely asking her to dinner? No.

She's not why I'm here though, I need to get my Papa here. I looked around the town for something, or someone, that could help me

There was a clock tower to my right, underneath it was a library. Perfect...

Inside was a brunette, she wasn't as pretty as my dark-haired girl but she wasn't ugly.

"Hello, can I help you?"

"Maybe, I'm looking for books about this town, you see I'm new here and this town is..." I tried to find the right word "Different, special even, I'd like to learn more about it"

The girl nodded slowly before disappearing behind some shelves. When she came back she was carrying three big books

"Here you go..."

I gave her a thankful smile. "Another thing, is there a place to stay around here?"

"Granny rents out rooms above her diner, go talk to her"

After giving her another thankful smile, I turned and went back to the diner. I asked for a room and the brunette behind the counter, hesitantly, gave me a key. Before I could go upstairs, a hand grabbed my shoulder

Turning around, Prince Charming was standing there, with a look between anger and something like protectiveness on his face

"What's up?" I glanced behind him and noticed his wife and child weren't there anymore, they must've gone home

"I'll tell you what's up. The girl you were hitting on earlier, that's my daughter-" Hold on wait, daughter? That's why he was glaring at me earlier "-and you're going to stay away from her. And if you don't, if you do anything to her, you better run cause I'll come after you and hells coming with me. And trust me, it won't be pretty. Stay. Away. From. Her."

And with that, he turned and left the diner. Didn't think Prince Charming had a threatening side. I went upstairs to my room, I set the books on the bed

Does he really think that a threat will keep me away from Vanessa? Yeah right, like I'm scared of the Prince. He won't keep me away from her... He can try, but I always get my way.

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