Screw It, I'm Going To Narnia

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~Vanessa's POV ~ The Next Day~

"Are you really sure you want to move out of the loft Luv?" 

We were at Granny's and I was looking through a newspaper for a place I could rent. I needed to get out of the loft and I didn't want to stay at Granny's all the time. 

"Yes, Killian. I told you I don't want to stay there anymore" I flipped to the next page in the newspaper. There weren't many places in Storybrooke, there were some but nothing good for me

Killian sighed and took a sip of his coffee. "Does Emma or the others know you're moving out?"

I shook my head. I hadn't talked to them since they let me out yesterday, and I stayed the night at Granny's. I was still very upset about what happened in the past couple of days. How could they think I, of all people, would kill someone?

"Emma feels bad about it. She just wanted to do right for the town"

"Even if it meant throwing her own sister in jail, huh?" I went back to looking through the paper. 

Killian sighed and took an interest in his Hook

"Here's something-" I turned the paper so that Killian and I could both see it "-it's 124 square meters, three bedrooms, three bathrooms. It has a garage and a balcony, and it's fully furnished. It's not far from here, let's go check it out!"

I grabbed my coffee and jumped out of my seat without waiting for an answer from Killian. I jumped in my car and while I waited for him I called the realtor to ask if we could take a look at it and thankfully he said yes and that he'd meet us there 

A minute later Killian got into the passenger seat. "I've never seen you move that fast" He laughed

"Well I need to get out of the loft and this house seems perfect. It's small but not too small, it has a balcony, which is a plus, it's perfect."

I pulled out of Granny's parking lot and drove to the house. It didn't take long which meant it was walking distance to Granny's which was another plus since I didn't plan on driving there every day

The house was pretty, it had like a white and orangeish-tanish color scheme, there was a garage that could probably fit my car perfectly. 

The realtor was outside waiting for us, I went to get out but Killian grabbed my arm

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The realtor was outside waiting for us, I went to get out but Killian grabbed my arm. "Ness, are you really sure you want to move out of the loft? Think of what Snow and the Prince will think"

"I don't really care what they think Killian. I'm an adult and they can't force me to stay there"

We got out of the car and went up to the realtor

"Hello, I'm Dean Morrison" He stuck out his hand for me to shake

"Vanessa Nolan," I said taking his hand. 

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