I May Have Killed A Guy...

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"That's not all... Witnesses say they saw Vanessa at the crime scene... Covered in blood..."


"They what?" I couldn't believe this. Do people think I murdered someone?

Charming shook his head "Nessa couldn't have done it. She was here the entire time"

"I know, but we have to take her in for questioning... I get that she's family but we still have to do our job"

Charming opened his mouth to say something but I stopped him. "I'll go"

Emma, Charming, and I drove to the sheriff's station in Charming's truck. When we got there Emma took me to one of the interrogation rooms, she said she'd be back, she had to go to the crime scene and she left me alone

Why would people think I did this? Just because they think they saw me doesn't mean it was me. 

About 40 minutes later Emma came back in, she glanced over to the mirror on the wall so I figured Charming -and possibly Snow- was on the other side. Even though I couldn't see him, I gave him a smile letting him know that I was fine 

"Vanessa," Emma said, snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked over to her and raised a brow. She took a deep breath before she continued "Where were you at 1:28 pm?"

"At the loft taking care of Neal"

"Did you leave the loft at all during that time?"


Emma went through some papers before pulling something out and setting it in front of me "So you know him?"

I looked down at the paper, it was a crime scene photo. "No"

Emma nodded. "I don't think you did it, Ness, but thank you for coming in anyways"

"No problem Sis"

Emma laughed and stood up "You're free to go"

Standing up, I followed her outside where we were met by Snow and Charming. We all went outside. Outside of the sheriff's station were tons of townspeople

Once we walked out, we were bombarded with questions and accusations 

'Why hasn't she been arrested?'

'Who killed that poor man?'

'It was her! She did it! I saw her!'

'She's a criminal! She shouldn't be here, we're all in danger if she stays!'

I kept a straight face to show it didn't bother me but really it did. I have come to love this town, but now here are the townspeople accusing me of something I didn't do

Charming seemed to look through my poker face, cause he put his arm around me and pulled me into his side


Everyone shut up at Charming's outburst and it scared Snow, Emma, and I a little but cause Charming never yelled

"My daughter is not a murderer. She was with us the entire time! Someone is trying to frame her"

A warm feeling spread through my chest when he defended me... I don't know what it was, I've never felt anything like that before...

The crowd started whispering, then someone I don't know spoke

"How do you know it wasn't her? You guys were at the other crime scene for a while and she wasn't there, she would have had plenty of time to go and murder him and get back before you guys"

I could tell Charming was getting pissed off, his jaw clenched and his grip on me tightened

"She. Is. Not. A. Murderer." He said through clenched teeth. Before anyone could say anything else Charming pulled me through the crowd. Everyone started yelling again that I was a murderer

We got to his truck and he helped me inside, before getting inside himself. Emma and Snow went to Emma's bug that Snow drove earlier 

Once we started driving away I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding

"You okay Ness?"

I looked over to Charming, I could see the concern and worry in his eyes. He was probably worried cause he probably thinks I might leave again. "I'm fine"

That was a lie and I could tell he knew that. 

"No, you're not. How would you be fine, the whole town is accusing you of murder. Mary Margaret wasn't fine when this happened to her"

Snow was accused of murder? Charming must have seen my confusion because he started explaining. By the time he finished we made it back home

"Hey," Charming said, stopping me from getting out of the car "Don't worry about what they say."

I gave him a grateful smile. "Thank you, David"

He nodded and we headed inside the building. Snow and Emma were already at the loft when we got there

"Nessa, don't forget you have a session with Dr. Hopper tomorrow" Charming reminded 

Groaning, I laid my head on the island "Do I have to go...?"

Charming gave me a look "Yes. It will help you, especially now"

I sighed. I literally had no choice on the matter. Well, while I lived here I didn't, I've been thinking about getting my own place in Storybrooke but that would probably make Snow and Charming upset, Emma said they were upset when she moved in with Killian, and she had been living with them for a couple of years before that. Imagine how they'd be when they finally get to be in their other daughter's life and she moves out

Snow started making dinner and Emma and I ran over to her place to put the protective enchants up. 

Killian was there so I took a few drops of their blood. Doing the enchants this way takes a little longer and isn't as strong but it'll work. 

After I finished with the enchants Emma and I ran over to Regina's to do the same thing. Regina wasn't happy that I needed Henry's blood but if it kept him safe she was willing to do it

We made sure the enchants were set up completely before heading back to the loft, we got back just as Snow was finishing up with dinner

We all sat down to eat and had a pretty fun time just hanging out. Sadly, we all knew this happiness wouldn't last, there was still a killer on the loose

And any one of us could be next...

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