Letters, And Pictures And Break-Ins, Oh My

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~A/N~ I forgot to put the pictures of their PJs in the last chapter before I published it but I put them in now so if you want to see them go back and look!

~The Next Morning ~ Ruby's POV~

A blinding light came in from the window, waking me up. Opening my eyes, I looked to my right. Ven was laying on the other side of the bed, still asleep

Smiling to myself, I got out of bed and got dressed, putting on a pair of jeans, a red tank top and my boots. I headed downstairs where David and Mary Margaret were making breakfast

"Morning Ruby" Mary Margaret said when she saw me. "Did you and Vanessa have fun last night?"

I smiled and nodded. We, or at least I, had a lot of fun last night, I always love hanging out with Ven. "Yeah, it was great!"

David handed me a plate of pancakes, which I gratefully took since I haven't eaten since I before I came here, and I sat at the island.

Footsteps came from the stairs, I turned and saw Ven coming down, rubbing her eyes. Her hair was messy, way messier than her normal messy, and she still looked tired. She looks cute when she just wakes up "Morning Ven!"

"Morning..." She yawned and sat down at the island next to me.

After David gave Ven her breakfast, he said his goodbyes before heading to the station.

"You know what I could really go for...?" Ven asked, looking over at me

"Iced coffee?"

She smiled. "You know it. Sadly I don't think Snow would let me leave the loft, plus Charming will have a heart attack if he finds out I left."

We both laughed at the accuracy of her statement. "So would Hook" I added, making Ven groan

"Killian and Charming teaming up against me is the worst... I hate Protective Dad Charming and Protective Big Brother Killian" She set her head down on the counter

Laughing, I went and put my plate in the sink. "Hey, Mary Margaret, can Ven and I go to Granny's? I promise nothing will happen to her"

Mary Margaret walked out of the bedroom with Neal, she looked between Ven and I uncertain. "I don't know guys... It's really dangerous with her kidnapper out there. We don't want anything happening to either of you. If he sees you two together he might want to hurt you to get to Vanessa"

"We're just going to run to Granny's, make some coffees, and then come back here. I don't have to work today so we won't be long"

Ven and I both gave her a pleading look until she finally gave in.

"Fine but be back in 20 minutes, if you're not I'll send David and Killian after you"

We nodded and Ven ran upstairs to get dressed, when she came back she was wearing a pair of jean shorts, a black tank top and her blue leather jacket.

Hot damn she has great legs...

"Ready Rubes?"

I snapped out of my thoughts and gave her a smile. "As I'll ever be"

We decided to drive her car, since it would be safer than walking, and headed to Granny's.

"What made you get this car?"

Ven shrugged. "I don't know, I thought it was cute, I like jeep wranglers"

She pulled into the parking lot and we went inside. Carly, one of the other waitresses there, was at the counter and looked surprised to see me. I told her that we were just here for a few coffees and she nodded and went back to work.

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