Isn't This Just Lovely? Note The Sarcasm...

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~A/N~ Sorry for such a long wait. We're in the process of moving out of state and I have been having major writer's block. Sorry for the short chapter but it's better than nothing, right? Hope you enjoy it! ALSO! We're at 40 chapters!! Thank you so much! I wouldn't have written this many if it weren't for you! We're also at 3.8k reads! Again, thank you!

Nessa carefully crept around town, she knew there were people there that knew her and would tell the others that she was out or take her back, and she didn't want to be taken back.

Little did Nessa know, Maverick saw her. He recognized her as the little girl he kidnapped long ago, but he was confused, why was she little all of a sudden...?

No matter, this would make everything much easier... She would do everything and anything he asked, she would be too scared of him to do otherwise. He watched as Nessa snuck around town, so innocent, so naive, so unaware that he was there.

~With Killian~

Killian turned around to let Ness know that lunch was ready but she wasn't in the living room anymore. "Ness?" Thinking she went up to her room, he went up to check, when she wasn't there he started to panic

"Vanessa?!" He ran around the whole loft, nearly tearing it apart, looking for her. When he came to the conclusion that Ness wasn't in the loft, and after struggling to work his phone, he called Emma

"What is it, Killian?" Emma said when she answered the phone, she sounded stressed, which made Killian not want to tell her. But he had to, not only was this her little sister but Ness was in danger, this was important

"Ness is missing..."

There was silence. And then"What?! What do you mean she's missing?" He then heard Regina say from the back "He better not be talking about Ness"

"I was in the kitchen making lunch, I turned around and she was gone"

"We're on our way" She then hung up without another word. Killian sighed and set the phone down, this was his fault... He was supposed to be watching her but he didn't, and now she was lost in a town she didn't know, with her kidnapper somewhere in town.

He let her down again...


Not even ten minutes later, Emma and Regina showed up at the loft.

"You were supposed to watch her!" Emma yelled, hitting Killian's shoulder

"I was! I was making her lunch while she watched one of those bloody moving picture things and when I turned around she was gone!"

Regina put her hand up, stopping either of them from saying anything else. "That's not important right now, what's important is finding Ness before Maverick does. Emma, call David and Mary Margaret, let them know what happened, I'll call Ruby, Will, and the dwarfs, and tell them to keep an eye out for her"

Emma nodded, taking out her phone, and went to make the phone calls, while Regina did the same.

~With Ness~

Ness crept around town, avoiding everyone. She was happy to be outside, she loved nature, the animals in it, and even some of the bugs. Her favorite insects were butterflies, mainly Monarch Butterflies. That's what the name Vanessa meant: Butterfly

Meanwhile, Maverick was secretly following her. He had already gotten over the shock and confusion about Ness being little again, he figured one of the others had done it, maybe on purpose to hide her from him, maybe they thought he wouldn't recognize her, but it was probably an accident somehow. Nevertheless, this would make his job so much easier...

He waited until there was no one around and when she was distracted, then he crept up behind her and put his hand over her mouth. Ness stiffened and tried to get away but Maverick grabbed her and took her into an alley. When she saw who had grabbed her, she started thrashing, trying to get away, but Maverick wasn't having that

Reaching into his bag, he pulled out the chloroform and rag that he had brought to Storybrooke with him, and after putting the chloroform onto the rag, he pressed it against Ness' mouth and nose

Ness tried to hold her breath, knowing what the stuff on the rag would do.

"You gotta breathe at some point..."

Unfortunately, he was right. Ness unwillingly let go of the breath that she was holding and started breathing normally. Not even a minute later, Ness was passed out

~With The Heroes~

"How did you lose her?!" Charming shouted at Killian. Emma grabbed Killian's arm and pulled him away from Charming, for fear that her father would hit him

"I didn't mean to!" Killian shouted back. "You think I want her in danger! I was making her food, I turned around and she was gone!"

"You were supposed to be keeping an eye on her!"

"I was! What part of I turned around for a second and then she was gone did you not understand!"

Regina moved in between the two men. "Enough! Look what just showed up" She held up a picture that had been pushed under the door of the loft. The picture was of Ness, tied up in a dark room. Taped to the picture was a note that had two words on it:

She's mine... 

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