We Would Welcome You But We Don't Like You

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~The Next Morning ~ Vanessa's POV~

As I woke, I heard muffled sounds coming from somewhere else in the room. As I sleeply opened my eyes, I began to notice I wasn't at my house. I looked around and immediately calmed when I realized where I was: The loft

I rubbed my eyes and sat up.

"Morning Ness."

I jumped and nearly fell off the couch. "Jesus, Charming. Stop doing that"

"Sorry." He chuckled. "Want some eggs?"

Nodding, I got up and headed to the kitchen. "Did I fall asleep here last night?"

"Yeah, Mary Margaret and I thought it would be best not to wake you guys" He nodded over towards the living room area. I looked back over and saw Emma sleeping on the other part of the couch I was sleeping on and Killian sleeping in a chair. He handed me a plate with cheesy eggs, bacon and toast and then started to make a plates for him and Snow

Snow walked out of the bedroom and took the plate Charming handed her. "Morning Vanessa"


"Should we wake them?" Charming asked, nodding over towards Emma and Killian again.

Snow nodded. "I'll wake Emma, you wake Hook?" She asked me. Nodding, I followed her to the living area

I sat down on the arm of Killian's chair. "Killiannn..."


"Kil, c'mon bro. Wake up"

I looked over at Snow who was making more progress with waking up Emma than I was with waking up Killian

"No more nice Nessa" I said to myself as I walked into the kitchen. Charming raised an eyebrow at me as I grabbed the biggest cup I could find and headed over to the sink. I filled the cup up with cold water, then I used my ice magic to make it as cold as it could go without freezing.

I could have just used my water magic and not have worried about a cup but I can't get my water this cold. I went back to the living area, Emma was now awake and both her and Snow were curious as to what I was doing, though I'm pretty sure they already know.

I sat on the arm again. "Kiiiiillian... If you don't wake up you'll regret it"

He groaned but didn't wake up.

"Fine then" I dumped the water on his head.

He shot up faster than I've ever seen him move. "Bloody hell! What was that for Nessa?"

"I told you if you didn't wake up there would be consequences..." I smirked and took the cup back to the kitchen.

Killian turned to Emma. "And you didn't stop her?"

"I wanted to see what would happen." She shrugged. "Plus, I don't think any of us would have been able to stop her"

Killian rolled his eyes, him and Emma came into the kitchen and Charming gave them their food.

"Thanks Dad," Emma said, sitting next to me at the island.

After eating, Emma and I decided to head to Granny's and get coffee for everyone.

"So, Ness" Emma started after we ordered "Can I ask you something?"


"You don't seem like you want to spend time with Mary Margaret... Can I ask why?"

I sighed. "It's not that I don't want to, it's that she doesn't want to."

"That's not true, she loves you, she was insanely happy when you came back"

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