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~Just so you know, Baby Neal is like 1 and a half, almost 2. I know that doesn't fit with the timeline but since when does anything in Once make sense lmao~

~The Next Day ~ Nessa's POV~

It took me a few seconds after I woke up to remember what had happened yesterday. I got dressed in an AC/DC shirt, shorts, and my ankle boots.

I headed downstairs trying not to wake anyone up, but apparently, everyone was already awake. Charming was making breakfast and Snow was playing with Neal.

"Hey, Nessa! How are you feeling?" Charming asked as I got to the bottom of the steps.

"I feel fine, just tired"

He set a plate of pancakes and bacon down for me before getting a plate for himself and Snow.

Neal came running over as I sat down and he grabbed my leg. "Ness Ness!"

"Hey, Bub" I picked him up and sat him on my lap. I took a small piece of bacon and gave it to him.

"Dank," He said as his way of saying thanks, sucking on it.

I smiled and went back to eating my food. "I know that I just got changed back and you guys missed me but I was wondering if it would be okay for me to go see Ruby...?

Charming looked down. "Uh, yeah. I don't see why not"

"I won't be there all day, I just want to see her"

Snow put her hand on Charming's shoulder. "It's alright Ness, we get it. You can go, I mean you are an adult. You don't need to ask. Plus it'll give us more time to plan your birthday party"

I groaned. I don't want a birthday party. Snow gave me a look as to say 'You don't get a say in this'

I sighed and finished my food. Neal was still sitting on my lap playing with my necklace.

"I'm going to head to Granny's"

Snow and Charming both nodded, I could tell Charming was a little upset that I wasn't going to hang out here with them but I want to let Ruby know I was back.

"I go?" Neal asked, looking up at me.

I smiled down at him and then looked up at Snow and Charming. "He go?" I mimicked

Charming laughed and nodded. "If it's fine with you"

"Yeah it's chill, let's go my dude" I picked up Neal and put his shoes on before heading out.

Neal wanted to walk by himself, so I put him down and held his hand. We walked to Granny's and Ruby was at the counter taking orders.

I bent down and whispered to Neal. "We have to be really quiet, I want to surprise Ruby, okay?"

"Tay" He nodded and held up a finger to his lips and made a shh sound.

We quietly snuck in while Ruby was busy at the other end of the counter. I picked up Neal and set him on one of the stools. "Long time no see, huh?"

Ruby looked over and squealed. "VEN!" She dropped her notepad and came running over.

"Hey, Rubes," I said, hugging her.

"I missed you! When were you turned back?"

"Last night, we would have said something but I was really tired"

She nodded. "Yeah I get it, let me finish the orders and then we can talk" I nodded as she went and picked up her notepad.

"Hem Hem!" Neal said, trying to get off the stool. I turned and saw Henry and Regina walk in.

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