The Feeling

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~Two Weeks Later ~ Vanessa's POV~

I walked down the hallway to my apartment. When I went into my apartment I got a strange feeling. A feeling that I've felt almost every day for two weeks

Not being able to place the feeling was making me uneasy. Nothing seemed unusual as I looked around the apartment.

Setting my coffee on the table, I headed to the fridge. I pulled out the leftovers from the night before and heated them up. 

While they were in the microwave I got the feeling again. I looked around the apartment. 


With every step I took towards the window, the feeling got stronger. I finally realized what it was: I was being watched...

After pulling the curtains closed and making sure the door was locked and chained, I walked back over to the microwave. 

Now that I knew what the feeling was it made me anxious. Why would somebody be watching me? Absentmindedly, I grabbed the food out of the microwave, burning my hand in the process

Gasping, I ran to the sink and ran my hand under cold water. I carefully took the food out of the microwave the rest of the way. 

I still felt like someone was watching me... All of the curtains were closed. There was no way anybody could be watching me

~Two Days Later~

Everywhere I went I had the feeling someone was watching me but anytime I looked I didn't see anyone. 

What scared me the most was when I could feel it when I was alone in my apartment with all the curtains closed. I talked to the police about feeling watched but they said they couldn't do anything about it unless I was harmed in any way

I tried to stay in my apartment unless I absolutely needed to leave and sadly this was one of those times. I needed to run to the store to get groceries 

After grabbing my keys and purse, I headed to my car. A while ago I decided to take more driving lessons and get my license. Once I got it I bought a car with the money I had saved up. 

It was a white, Jeep Wrangler. It wasn't new but it also wasn't old

(A/N, Wattpad won't let me post a picture)

The feeling got stronger when I got to my car. I quickly looked around, under and in my car before getting in. Once in, I felt safe but I could still feel someone watching me

It didn't take me long to drive to the store. As I drove I remembered when Charming taught me. It was the first time I had driven a car.

I parked the car close to the store's entrance and quickly hopped out and ran into the store. 


After grabbing a few things I felt the feeling again. This time it was stronger than it ever had been. I quickly looked around and saw someone duck behind the aisle. 

My heart started pounding. Someone had followed me here... 

I ran out of the aisle, leaving the cart, and bolted out the doors. When I got to my car I rummaged through my purse looking for my keys. I heard footsteps behind me

Stupidly, I turned around. No one was there. 

I finally found my keys and got in the car. Without hesitating, I started the car. But it didn't start, instead, it made a terrible noise. 

I tried again, and again. Nothing

"C'mon! C'mon..."

Finally, it started. I pulled out of the parking lot and started to head home but instead of taking my normal route, I took the longer one. I took dozens on unnecessary turns in case anyone was following me

Once I was sure no one was following me I drove home. I parked the car behind the apartment building instead of in front of it like I normally did. 

I set my head onto the steering wheel and breathed a sigh of relief. Over the past two weeks, I've never had anything like that happen. 

Every time I felt like I was being watched and I looked around I never saw anybody. That was the first time it happened. 

After I calmed myself I got out of the car. As I walked to the back door of the building I heard footsteps behind me. My heart started pounding again

Is it them? How did they find me so quick? 

I got my keys out to unlock the door but before I could something hit me in the head and everything went black

~Charming's POV~

Mary Margaret snuggled into me as we watched a movie. Emma was at her and Hook's place, Henry was at Regina's and Neal was asleep so it was just Mary Margaret and I. 

We rarely got moments like this so it was nice to do something, just the two of us. The moment was interrupted by a knock at the door. I got up and opened the door

A small gasp left my lips when I saw what was there


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