I Know I'm A Handful But That's Why You Have Two Hands... Well... Maybe Not...

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~The Next Morning ~ Snow's POV~

"David!" I shouted at my husband, making him jump


I put my hands on the arms of the chair he was sitting in and leaned close to him. "This is the first year we have both of our daughters for their birthday. We need to do something!"

"Mary Margaret, if you haven't noticed Nessa hates us" He nudged me away from the chair so that he could stand up and he went into the kitchen "Plus Emma doesn't really like celebrating her birthday"

I followed him and crossed my arms. "So? Vanessa probably never got a proper birthday... Actually, neither of them has ever had a proper birthday... But maybe this is the way we can get Vanessa back, we need to show her that we love her"


~Nessa's POV~

Waking up in an unfamiliar place is strange, especially when it comes to me. Whenever I wake up somewhere unfamiliar it's never good, so I started to panic. 

It took me a second to realize I was in my new house. It took me even longer to convince myself to get out of bed. 

After I managed to get out of bed, I dressed in an oversized, off the shoulder, white sweater and black leggings. My phone lit up, signaling there was a notification. I unlocked it and went to the text from Killian

'Cancel all your plans for today cause we're having a Pirate-Princess Day. Meet me at Granny's at 1'

Pirate-Princess Day, that's what Killian always called the days we would spend together without any interruptions, which was usually every day. I checked the time, 12:55... Great...

I shoved my phone into my pocket and pulled on a pair of sneakers. I turned to the mirror on the back of the closet door. My hair was messy and all over the place, like it usually was. After trying to make my hair neater for what seemed like forever, I decided to leave it the way it was. 

I quickly did some natural makeup and headed out the door. By the time I made it to Granny's it was 1:10 and Killian was there waiting

"Sorry, I'm late" I sat down across from him "It took me forever to try to get my hair under control before I decided to give up"

Killian chuckled, he probably remembers in the Enchanted Forest when I would try for hours to make it neater. It didn't matter what I tried or what I used my hair was always messy

"You would think with all the hair products in this world you would be able to control it" 

Yeah, you would think. But no, not my hair. Ruby brought me an iced coffee even though I hadn't ordered one. This girl who me way too well "So Kil, what do you have planned for today?"

"A couple of things, first we're going to have brunch at the water" He motioned to a picnic basket that I didn't notice before

I smiled at the idea. Killian and I always had picnics back in the Enchanted Forest, and they always were near water. 

Killian grabbed the picnic basket and stood up, he motioned to the door "After you Luv"

We walked to the docks but instead of going to the actual dock Killian took me into the woods next to the water. He stopped at the edge of the water a little ways from the town. 

There was a small wooden dock with some cushions, Killian went over and sat down on one of the cushions and started setting up the picnic. 


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