Now Would Be A Good Time To Be Anyone But Me...

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~That Night ~ Nessa's POV~

I walked downstairs listening closely, it was very quiet which was strange. At this time of day, you could always hear either Snow and Charming talking or Neal's baby noises. There was always some kind of noise, but now... Nothing...

Reaching the bottom of the stairs, I looked around. Everything seemed normal except for one thing: No one was home

Usually, if they left they would tell me or leave a note, but there was nothing... 

"Snow? Charming?"


I peaked into their bedroom, nothing... Suddenly the front door opened and Charming walked in, he was talking into his phone but when he saw me he hung up

Before I could say anything he spoke. "Why did you do it?"

"Do what?"

"Kill them"

I took a step back in shock. He thinks I killed someone? "Charming, I didn't kill anyone"

"DON'T LIE TO ME" He took a step forwards threateningly. This is the first time in my life I have been genuinely terrified of him

"Charming... I- I didn't kill anyone..."

Charming rolled his eyes and slowly walked towards me. "There's evidence that you did Vanessa, that you killed them all, Regina, Snow, Killian, Henry, even Emma. Why Vanessa? Why did you do it?!"

They were dead...? What... Who... How... 

I grabbed onto the railing to keep myself from falling. They're dead...? My family... is dead... Tears ran down my face as I tried to get my voice to work but nothing would come out

"Charming..." I managed to get out "I didn't kill them... I swear... Please, Daddy, you need to believe me..." 

"LIAR" He shoved me backward, causing me to fall and hit my head on the corner of an end table

I shot up gasping for air. Looking around, I realized I was in my room. My heart was racing and I could barely breathe. Tugging my blanket closer, my computer fell to the floor with a thud. I must've fallen asleep while watching something

I leaned back against the wall and pulled the blanket closer around me. Why was I asking like this? I've had worse nightmares?

The bedroom door opened and Charming stood there looking worried. 

"Are you okay? I heard a thud"

I nodded. "Yeah... I'm sorry if I woke you..."

He shook his head and sat on the bed. "I was already up," He reached up and wiped the tears I didn't realize were flowing down my face "Are you sure you're okay, Nessa?"

That was the difference between Dream Charming and Normal Charming. Dream Charming was demanding, scary, and didn't want to hear what I had to say. Normal Charming was understanding, caring, loving...

Dream Charming called me Vanessa in a loathing way. Normal Charming called me Nessa in a loving way

I shook my head as more tears ran down my face. "Just a stupid nightmare... It doesn't matter..."

"Yes, it does. If it bothers you then it matters. Do you want to talk about it?"

Studying his face, I realized that he really did care about this... About me... That was something I was not used to. 

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