The Docks

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~A/N~ I am SO sorry about the lack of updates. I currently have 21 WIPs and just keep getting new ideas. I'm so horrible with this. I also don't really know what to do in this fic so if you have any ideas let me know. I hope I'm writing Ness and Ruby's "relationship" good, I'm going to try and have more "moments" (for lack of a better word) with them. I'm not yet sure if I'm going to have them date, I'm just trying to feel this out.

I'm sorry if this doesn't make sense, it's 5:33am and I wrote most of this while watching Futurama lamo. I hope you enjoy this!

Also I CANNOT BELIEVE that this has 24.7k views! That's SO wild! Thank you so much for reading!~

~Third Person~

The next day, Vanessa sat at the counter at Granny’s, tapping her fingers on the counter as she drank her coffee. It was around seven thirty so she had half an hour until she had to go meet Nyx at the docks. 

“I don’t know why you’re so interested in this Nyx chick…” Ruby said, setting a plate of fries down in front of Nessa. 

Nessa shrugged, taking a fry from the plate. “I don’t know… I want to make sure that she isn’t dangerous and isn’t going to hurt the people here that I actually care about…”

Ruby sighed. “Alright…”

“You okay Rubes?” She asked, looking at Ruby confused. “You seem upset?”

Ruby shook her head. “I’m fine…”

Nessa was still concerned but she wasn’t going to push it. She checked her phone and it was just about the time when she should be meeting Nyx.

Grabbing her coffee and a few fries from her plate, she got up from her stool. “I have to go meet Nyx, I’ll see you at home?” 

Ruby nodded, not looking up from the spot on the counter she was cleaning. Nessa sighed and left Granny’s, walking to the docks. 

When she got there, Nyx wasn't there yet so Nessa went and sat down at the edge of the docks. She missed sitting at the edge of the river or ocean with Killian when she was little.

Killian used to tell her stories about his Pirating days, minus all the things that a child shouldn't know. It was one of her favorite things to do… 

"Hey Vega, I didn't think you'd actually come," Nyx's voice said from behind her.

Nessa sighed. She was used to Nyx's random pop ups, it was like it was the only way she knew how to show up. “Yes, I’m here Nyx.” She said, turning around. 

Nyx went over and sat down next to her, leaning back on her hands. “So how’ve you been? How’s Wolfie?”

“I told you, I’m the only one that’s allowed to call her that,” Ness said, rolling her eyes. “And I’ve been better, but I’m not here to talk about me. I’m here to talk about you”

Nyx smirked. “Oh really? I didn’t know what you were interested”

Ness sighed. Nyx really pissed her off sometimes. She couldn’t wait until Nyx was gone… “I’m not. I just want to make sure you’re not here to hurt the people I care about”

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