Someday I'm Going To Eyeroll Myself Into Another Dimension

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~Ruby's POV~

"Hello Love" 

I looked up to see Will leaning on the counter. "Hey Will, what can I get ya?"

"I'll take a black coffee- Woah... Who is that lovely lady?"

I followed his gaze to Vanessa, she was sitting at her normal table with her normal order: Iced coffee and a muffin. That girl drinks way too much Iced Coffee. "Don't even think about asking her out"


"That's Vanessa, she's insanely sarcastic, kinda rude when someone doesn't take no for an answer and she has a very protective father and an even more protective Pirate." Ever since the whole murder thing, I don't think Ven has had any contact with David but Will doesn't need to know that. Plus I don't think that would stop David if anything happened to Ven

Will turned back to me and raised an eyebrow "Who's her father?"


"So her father is one sheriff... And the other sheriff is her... Sister...?"

I nodded. "Twin sister to be exact. But Vanessa didn't age most of her life so she's technically 19"

Will nodded slowly and turned back to look at Ven, who was completely oblivious that we were talking about her. 

"Trust me, you don't have a chance with her"

He smirked. "That's where you're wrong" He went over to Ven's table and started talking to her

I quietly laughed to myself, Will has no idea what he's getting himself in to 

~Vanessa's POV~

"Hello, Love. I'm Will, Will Scarlet"

I looked up from my phone. Standing next to my table was a guy with black hair, I've never seen him around before "Vanessa" I introduced 

"Mind if I sit?" He motioned to the other side of the booth 


He sat down and raised an eyebrow at me. "What brings you to Storybrooke?"

"Not sure. I came here to confront my family about abandoning me and a lot of things happened and now I don't want any contact with them"

"Then why are you staying?"

I took a sip of my coffee and shrugged. "I fixed my relationship with my best friend who raised me and he lives here and I don't want to leave him again, so I'm staying"

He nodded and took a sip of his own coffee. "Seems like you need a friend? From what I heard it seems you only have the guy who raised you."

"I have Ruby" I nodded over to where Ruby was taking someone's order. "And I have Belle. I help out at the library a lot"

"That it? Just Ruby, Belle, and the other guy?"

What was this guy's deal? Why was he so interested in me having friends?

I nodded. "I don't need many friends. Trust me I've had no one for almost half of my life, I do well alone"

"Then that makes two of us" He smiled and took a sip of his coffee. I couldn't help but smile back. I think he was the first guy in my life to actually smile at me and not smirk. Not including Killian or Charming. "You have a pretty smile"

I took another sip of my coffee. "Thanks."

"Well, I'm going to go. If you ever want to hang out with someone who isn't Ruby, Belle or that other guy then call me" he wrote something down on a napkin and handed it to me

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