Chapter 45

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^ This is Isabelle Lightwood from The Mortal Instruments FYI (:

Simon stirred his cup of hot bloodlate which was a mix of hot chocolate and blood that they only served at Taki's. None of us were in the mood to talk so we sat in an awkward silence.

"Jeeesssshhhh, you could cut the tension with a knife," Kaelie said as she came to our table.

None of us bothered to reply or make any movement of any sort. If Jace was here, he would've probably replied with a witty comeback.

"Still silence? By the angel this is depressing, just tell me want you want to eat already, " she asked with her usual rudeness.

Normally I would snap at her, but I couldn't be bothered.

"The usual!" Alec said breaking the silence. We always come here so Kaelie should know our order but I guess she has to ask.

"Well without Clary and Jace's usual order," he added as an after thought.

Simon looked up at me from across the table, his eyes reflecting the grief I felt. I don't know who it was worse for. Clary and Jace were like sister and brother to me but Clary had been Simon's best friend so it was understandable that he was upset.

"Poor Jace, if he didn't volunteer for that stupid slut we'd all be happy. Then again she had her hooks so deep in him, you can't blame him." Kaelie complained. I glared at her and so did Simon and Magnus - oh if looks could kill she be dead ten times over.

"Excuse me!" Alec said loudly startling all of us on the table.

"Alec, honey, just leave it," Magnus mumbled trying to calm him down. He placed his hands on Alec's shoulders and pulled him into a hug, Magnus had know Clary her whole life - they were also great friends. She had helped him out during his and Alec's big break up and from then om they had become really close - if they could be parabatai I'm sure they would be (but she's my parabatai so in your face Magnus -just kidding).

"I can't believe they're gone!" Alec mumbled. Magnus hissed at Kaelie for making Alec upset.

"Woah, don't blame it on me sunshine, I didn't put Jace in the games, that was the little slut's doing," Kaelie whined.

Oh and that is how you get three shadowhunters and a warlock very angry. Alec pounced on Kaelie and knocked her out in a single punch. We took one look at Kalie lying unconscious on the floor and burst into laughter. But as soon as I thought about Jace and Clary again my laughter turned to tears.

Simon put his arm around me and pulled me in to his chest. He had started to cry too. Alec came over to me and stroked my head trying to comfort me but it wasn't long before he started to weep too. Magnus went to hug Alec, also holding back tears. We all sat on the booths of Taki's crying - so cool.


Simon was sitting on the couch, looking down-hearted.

He saw me enter and quickly stood up, "I was just gonna go."

"Please don't, Simon," I begged, grabbing onto his arm. I was feeling so lonely without Clary and I couldn't bear to spend a moment without Simon there either.

He sighed heavily, running a hand through his tousled brown hair.

"Izzy I don't-"

"You still love her, don't you?" I interrupted suddenly as it struck me.

"Love who?" asked Simon, his tone weary.


"Of course I love her," he replied in bewilderment. "Iz, what are you talking about?"

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