Chapter 22

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Everyone was having loads of fun playing truth or dare.

Until Sherlock Holmes asked me "Truth Or Dare?"

"Truth," I answered decidedly after a moment's hesitation.

"What is your.... Real name?" asked Sherlock, raising an eyebrow.

Argh! What? What kind of a question is this?

"Pass," I muttered. Luckily, I was wearing a fez... But I couldn't take that off. It was too precious to me. So I yanked my shirt off, feeling furious. I couldn't tell them my real name, could I? If anyone found my name out, I would have to, well, you know.

"Dave, truth or dare?" I asked trying to hold my anger in.

"Dawe," he said with his minion accent.

"I dare to drink anything I make you." He nodded so I got up and blended fish fingers and custard with a can of red bull, then put it in two glasses and gave it to Dave. You cannot beat fish fingers, custard and red bull- it is heaven.

But for some reason Dave kept gagging even though he eventually drank it all. I drank mine too.

All I could hear was an explosion of "ewws," or "that's rank," but I just laughed and kept drinking.

After everyone had stopped laughing Wonder Woman was asked the question.

"Dare," she said with a smile.

" Kwiss or kwush," Dave said.

She sat for a moment before saying, "You know what? I think it's the kids bedtime."

And before anyone could protest she's coupled up Iggle Piggle and Peppa Pig and walked down the hall.

"Well, she obviously didn't want to tell us, Hermione you have a go." I say before anyone starts saying anything bad about her. I hate conflict. And all that awful drama.

"Okay, Matilda truth or dare," said Hermione.

"Truth," Matilda barely whispers but everyone seems to hear.

"Okay, who are you most scared of here and why?," I know Hermione didn't want to ask about anything too grown up because Matilda was only 10! And she was a sweet, quiet girl who was quite shy and I don't think there was anybody here who disliked her.

"Ummm, Mr Holmes because he's so clever." She says.

"Wait a minute, you are scared of him cause he's clever, even though your 5 years up in school compared to other kids your age?" says Spider-Man.

"Yes but I am not afraid of his knowledge, just what he chooses to do with it."

"And what does he do with it?" Spider-Man asks again.

"He uses it to exploit the fact that he is a psychopath," she says and we all laugh.

"Highly functioning sociopath," exclaims Sherlock, "and you know what? You are right! The only person that actually sees sense in here is an 8 year old."

"10," says Matilda quite menacingly for such a small girl.

"Woah, I thought you were scared of him?" I say.

"Fear doesn't shut you down, it wakes you up" she says, smirking.

"Anyway, truth or dare Mr Spider-Man," she says.

"You don't have to call us our titles, we are friends right? And dare" He replies.

"Okay, your question is, umm, when you go out and save all those people and put your life on the line what do you think about?" She asks.

"Um, I think about not dying and not letting anyone die, I guess." He says and give her a look like one might give their younger sister. So affectionate, so cute.

"Tris-truth or dare?" he asks.

"Dare," she shouts confidently.

"Kiss everyone here you would date," he says as he obviously has a crush on her.

She gets up walks round the circle and sits down again,I wouldn't date anyone- I am happy with Tobias."

And Anna groans. "Ewwww,"

We all laugh and Elsa says," Shut up Anna you talk that way about that idiot of a boyfriend, Kristoff."

"Kristoff is not a idiot," she mumbled, blushing.

"Yeah, I know, it's just funny to see you blush." Elsa said and we all laugh because Anna blushed again but joins in laughing a couple of minutes later, failing to look angry.

"OMG, it's 3:00 in the morning guys, we should sleep, got training tomorrow." Tris says.

"Today" I corrected her and everyone decided to go back and sleep.


So this is kinda a get to know you chapter but it was fun thinking of dares. Hope u like it ?




Bye peeps, stay cool, we will update soon.


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