Chapter 53

305 19 13

Bear Grylls POV

After my run in with Sebastian darkness had really started to fall over the arena! I obviously knew that I had to find food soon considering I'm the most well known survival expert in the world and all, but I couldn't risk stumbling into Sebastian again.

I called Peppa over who was rummaging in the undergrowth which was a few metres away. She came trotting over with a purple stain on her mouth.

Well at least she had something to eat.

"Are there any left?" I asked.

Maybe Peppa Pig could be useful after all.

"No I ate them all" she replied with a small smile.

"Oh," I shrugged.

As quick as a flash, I whipped out a large rock  I had found on the ground a few minutes earlier, and hit her over the head with it sharply.

She looked at me for a moment, shocked, before collapsing with one last squeak onto the floor.

I wasted no time in cutting off her clothes which could come in useful in the future. I proceeded to saw off a sturdy-looking stick from a nearby tree and hacked off her leg in one swift motion. Stabbing the stick into her leg, I pulled it out with a huge hunk of meat on the end and held it over the roaring fire. Man that smelt good.

As soon as it was cooked, I took a gigantic bite into the juicy thigh flesh and felt energy rush through my veins.

But hang on a minute. This tastes funny.

On closer examination, I observed the purple stain around Peppa's mouth and was hit by a sudden realisation.


I felt a sudden racking pain in my chest, crippling me. A wave of nausea caused me to throw up, and again. My vision started to blur and sway. Black dots swarmed in front of my eyes and they merged together to form the shape of a large black dog before completely taking over my vision.

Now I felt like the worst survivalist ever...

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Wowwww, an exciting chapter with lots of DEATH mwahahaha

We're trying to get into writing more, so hopefully we'll keep our word... See you soon -Bry

hello we hope you liked it sorry (not sorry) for the long wait lol - Holly

Thanks for reading, voting, commenting and like yeah... TTFN - Anya

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