Chapter 3

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I still couldn't believe what was happening. Clary, MY Clary was going to go into the Hunger Games. I didn't doubt her talent with runes and seraph blades but she is still my girlfriend and it is my job to protect her. So far, I hadn't been concentrating on which girls were picked. None of them mattered to me. I tried to mouth something to Clary, but she was studiously avoiding my gaze.

As Alan Sugar drew out the first male tribute and announced it, I stepped forward, making up my mind.

"Homer Simpson," read out Alan Sugar.

"I volunteer," I said immediately, not thinking at all. Everybody turned towards me looking surprised because they knew that I really despised Homer Simpson, but it wasn't that I liked him that propelled me to volunteer, it was Clary. She needed my protection and she would have it.

"JACE WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU THINKING?" yelled Clary, marching towards me, her hair all over the place as I jumped onto the stage.

I stayed silent and said quietly," Be quiet Clarissa."

"No!" she shrieked. "I will NOT be quiet! Who are you to tell me to be quiet? How DARE you get yourself in danger like this?!"

Her voice quietened down. "Jace, please don't do this. Please."

"Clary," I pleaded trying to make her understand. "I'm only trying to protect you."

"I don't NEED your protection," she said shakily, and I could see tears threatening to spill.

"Well maybe I need you then," I said quietly, and she began to whimper and sob silently.

I pulled her towards me and embraced her, murmuring into her hair, "It's okay Clary."

She buried her face into my shirt and wrapped her arms around me tightly. "I just don't want you to get hurt," she whispered.

"We'll be fine," I said, stroking her hair gently. "As long as we're together."

Meanwhile, Alan Sugar continued to pick out tributes.

"Captain Jack Sparrow," he said.

"Yes!" said Captain Jack Sparrow confidently. "But... I kinda.. Have a little..."

The crowd began to laugh and I rolled my eyes and I saw Clary give a watery smile. Not for long though, as I saw a dark figure step forward.

"It's fine," drawled a teenage boy. "I volunteer."

Oh crap. I recognised that voice. I turned to see that Clary had too.

Sebastian Verlac walked onto the stage, making a beeline for Clary. I made a protective move towards her but Sebastian pushed me away casually.

"Hi sister," he said, trying to hug Clary. Clary backed away with her hands shielding her face.

"Oh come on," Sebastian drawled. "The only reason I volunteered is you."


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Find out what Sebastian is going to do in the next chapter....



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