Chapter 31

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"Elsie wake up!" I yelled loudly, dancing around her bedroom, Max in my arms. "Today's the Tribute Parade!"

3.... 2..... 1.....

There was an exasperated sigh. Elsa sat up and burst out screaming, "ANNA FOR GOD'S SAKE IT'S ONLY 5 AM! The parade's not till 6 PM!"

"Better to be 3 hours early than 15 minutes late!" I said brightly. "And besides, we have got to have breakfast, lunch..."

"Shut up Anna," interrupted Elsa, collapsing onto her bed again, pulling the duvet over her head. "And let me go back to sleep. Why don't you go write love letters to Kristoff instead?"

"You might want to write to Jack but ewww! Ewww!" I squealed, cuddling Max in my arms. He wriggled around, gazing up at me with wide, hazel eyes.

She gave me a contemptuous look and flung a pillow directly at my face, smirking, "Grow up Anna."

I turned away from the incoming pillow and Max yelped, leaping out of my arms.

"Now look what you did," I said reproachfully, watching Max's hind legs disappearing into the corridor. I swiftly reached down and threw the pillow back at Elsa but she dodged it easily and turned it into a lump of ice by merely pointing at it.

"That's not fair! You cheated" I moaned. I gestured to the door. "Now, I'm gonna look for Max. You comin?"

Elsa shook her head and muttered, "I never really liked dogs."

I gasped dramatically. "But who does not like Max? He's so cute!"

"Yeah, and you should probably take him back to Clary and Jace now. They're probably wondering where he is," hinted Elsa, yawning. "And don't forget to tell them that he ate The Doctor's custard and fish fingers so he might have a tummy ache."

I giggled and went off into the corridor to look for Max.

"Maaaax?" I called, walking down the corridor and peering around. "Where did you go?"

I crouched down to look beneath the small table at the side, but he wasn't there. Seriously?

Suddenly, I spotted a shadow around the corner. A black, long shadow. That couldn't be Max... Could it? But I was sure I heard some growling. And which other dog was there here other than Max?

"Max!" I exclaimed, lunging around the corner. I stopped abruptly. Because before me stood a tall figure. I squeaked and took a step backwards, my eyes widening. It was him.

"You're Sebastian..." I breathed. "The evil dude that released the demons."

"That's me. Cool, wasn't it?" he smirked, raising an eyebrow.

'No it wasn't!' I wanted to scream. But I didn't have the guts. So instead I just looked at the floor.

I realised that Max was sat on the floor by Sebastian's feet, growling and failing to be scary. Sebastian gave him a disdainful look and lashed out his foot to hit him on his ear.

Max yelped, jumping backwards and I felt a spark of rage. How dare this cowardly pervert touch a harmlessly adorable puppy? Who did he think he was?

"You too chicken to answer me, little girl?" he crooned, smirking at me and watching Max with cruel satisfaction. "You won't last a minute in these games."

As Max started towards Sebastian to bite his toe, Sebastian took a small step back and kicked the poor puppy sharply on his body with the side of his foot. The blow was so powerful that Max went flying into the wall and gave a distressed whimper.

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