Chapter 16

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It was the day. Our first training day. This evening, we would be presented to the judges and they would mark us out of 15 on our skill.

Stretching, I heaved myself out of bed and headed to the bathroom to prepare myself for the important day coming up. I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed, splashing water over my tired face. To be honest, who cared? Nobody really cared about me. Except maybe Tris. Since the reaping, Tris and I had discovered that we shared some similar characteristics and had developed a small bond which had blossomed out into quite a close friendship.

I was paired with Sherlock Holmes and even though I thought he was a nosy chicken, I also thought that he would be a useful ally. Besides, I don't have to like him to have him as my ally, and I think Tris admires his knowledge. He's still a nosy chicken though.

I headed to breakfast and I was about to knock to see if Tris was ready when I heard crying from inside the room.

'What the...' I thought, alarmed, knocking on the door softly. When there was no answer, I gently pushed the door open and stepped inside to find Tris sobbing her heart out into the pillow. BUT WHY?

"Tris?" I asked quietly, tapping her on her back.

Realising that I was here, she sat bolt upright and blabbered, "Hi Hermione so um what are you doing here so um-"

"It's okay," I assured her firmly, pulling her into a hug. "I saw you crying Tris. I'm your friend. You can tell me."

She shook her head and put her head miserably into her hands while tears trickled down her pale cheeks.

"Tris?" I asked urgently. I had never seen her cry before. "Tris, what is it?"

"It's... It's Tobias," she moaned weakly, wiping away her tears fiercely. Her red eyes showed that she had spent quite a while crying and the sleeves of her knitted sweatshirt were damp.

"What about him?" I urged her to go on.

"It's his birthday," she spilled out suddenly. "Every year, he and I would go out somewhere and have Dauntless Cake and it would be great. I miss him so much and-"

She broke down again, pulling her knees up to her chest and burying her face in them. As if she wanted to curl up an vanish off the face of the Earth.

"It's alright Tris," I said, as soothingly as I possibly could. I felt so awkward, having never been in this sort of situation before. "I understand. I... Feel the same about Ron."

Her eyes flew open and she flushed. "I forgot, I'm so sorry. I don't mean to be childish, but sometimes-"

"Yeah. It hits you that it may have been the last time you saw him," I interrupted quietly.

Her eyes widened at my bluntness but she sighed and nodded. "You understand."

"Yes, I do," I replied, turning away so that she would not see the tears threatening to spill.

There was a silence in which we wallowed in our similarly dull thoughts when Tris gasped.

"Oh my god!" She exclaimed, jumping out of bed. "I totally forgot about training!"

I glanced quickly at my watch and smiled. "Don't worry. We've got 15 more minutes. Let's grab something to eat, and then head to the Training Room."

She nodded and hesitated before asking, "Are you scared?"

"For my first Training Session?" I asked quietly, trembling.


"No. I'm terrified."



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