Chapter 36

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Cheers erupted as soon as Florence and Leonardo left the queuing area. I wished him good luck. (We had been friends since a while back.)

"I'm nervous," admitted Tris, turning to look at me. We were next.
I cleared my throat awkwardly. "Yeah. It'll be okay." What was I meant to say?
She gave a snort of laughter and I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"What's wrong?"
"It's just... Your... Outfit," she laughed. "You're pretty gutsy to wear something like that."
I don't know what was wrong with my neon yellow suit. But nonetheless...
"I'm not the one in Dauntless," I reminded her.
She shrugged. "I just wish Tobias was here," she said finally.

I didn't know how to reply so I just turned around to examine the other tributes. 5SOS seemed to be talking to Clary and Jace. Those dudes really reminded me of when I was a lad. Except that they weren't time lords.
Suddenly, I heard applause and the cheering of the crowd. Alan Sugar had just announced that we were up next. The cheers increased and there were excited roars from the audience as our carriage was pulled outside.

"Look at his outfit!"
"Doesn't she look pretty?"
"A bit too boyish for my liking."

I loved being the centre of attention here. I felt Tris tense next to me as people shouted remarks about her dress.

"Listen," she whispered to me. "We need to wave and cheer at people. We need to smile and do that stuff."
"No we don't," I said in confusion. Why should I do something that I do not actually want to?

"We want to get sponsors right?" she whispered furiously, waving at the crowd at the same time.
"Err... No," I replied defiantly.
She gave an exasperated sigh and recovered herself quickly, remembering that there were lots of people with their eyes on her. She smiled and nodded at some random person in the audience.
I didn't want to make her annoyed so I decided to wave too.

"What are you doing?!" she asked.
"Waving," I replied. "Like you told me to!"
"I said to wave not try and make your arm falls off... Idiot," she said smiling.
"Oh um okay," I said waving like the queen.
Then we both burst out laughing.
I felt something brush against my shoulder and looked down to see a rose lying in our carriage.
"Why are they throwing things at us?" I exclaimed, still waving royally.
Tris rolled her eyes. "It's a rose," she explained.
"Roses have thorns!" I retaliated.

She sighed, defeated and continued smiling at the audience. It felt more natural now, I felt much more relaxed. Even though thousands of eyes were watching me. Not only the audience, but people would definitely be watching the Tribute Parade on television. I could remember the much remembered Tribute Parade from 25 years ago in which the tributes wore flames. I could also remember the uprising and protests which followed it because of two young people who had defied the rules of the Games. Two young people who happened to be our current President and Head Baker. The amount of media attention and coverage that Games got was ridiculous.

Tris obviously seemed to be having the same thoughts. "I wonder if he's watching," she said absently.
"Tobias right?" I asked.
She gave a wistful sigh and glanced down at her dress, smoothing it down and looking self-conscious.
I laughed disbelievingly. "There's all these people around you, watching you, talking about you and you are waving at them so confidently but when you think about your boyfriend you start acting so self-conscious!"
She laughed nervously. "Don't you feel like that about your..." she trailed off.

"Are you married?"
I nodded and decided to change the subject.
"Just smile!" I insisted.
"I am!" she replied, turning her back towards me and facing the audience.
However, we hadn't realised that our turn was nearly over. I gave one last wave and so did Tris, then our horse carriage was pulled underneath a little sheltered area with an automatically opening door which had been newly constructed. Unfortunately it was completely opaque so we couldn't see anything.

Florence smiled sweetly at us while Leonardo grimaced like he wished it would just finish quickly.
Alan Sugar began to announce the next two tributes but Leonardo started speaking over him.
"Why do we even need to do all this?" he grumbled. "Why can we not just-"

A loud explosion interrupted him.

Followed by a terrified, blood-curdling scream.

I could hear chaos erupt outside, but we were now safely enclosed in this window-less den, we could not look outside.

That sound had undoubtedly been that of a gunshot.

"Tris," I said quietly. "Do you know who was after us?"

Her face went pale as she answered me.

"Hermione and Sherlock."

Hey guys!
Hope you liked the chapter (and the ending).
Anyway. Have a nice day!
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The Hundredth Hunger Games (Clace Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora