Chapter 28

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"Argh," I screamed to myself as I raced down the corridor, fury powering me, "That stupid idiot."

I couldn't contain my anger, I needed to get away from him before I took him back. I shouldn't love him, not knowing that he cheated on me. But I still loved him. I thought he loved me, I thought he wanted to marry me. Yeah right, Jace can't love anyone! He's just too... too...

He's too perfect, "Argh!"

I wanted to forgive him. But why? To be cheated on again and again. To be used! I don't know, I thought I knew, I thought I knew everything about him. His soft, kind centre, never noticed under his arrogant, idiotic shell. But that's just it, he is purely idiot, inside and out.

I opened my door and fell onto the bed, I couldn't see clearly as tears stung my eyes and blurred my vision. I curled up into a ball on my bed wrapping my arms around myself, replaying the scene.. I felt Max come and nuzzle into me, and I picked him up stroking his golden fur, and burried my face into his soft golden fur. I sat for a while, for god knows how long, just sat and played with Max who was desperately trying to comfort me.

"AAAHHH!," I heard a scream. It was a voice I instantly recognised as Hazel's. I raced to the source of the noise which was coming from downstairs. When I reached the source I saw, Bob, Hazel, and Bellatrix surrounded by millions of Raux demons. I clutched my seraph blade which I had grabbed from my room without even noticing, and fought my way through the demons till I reached Hazel and Bob. I pulled them to the exit, with Bellatrix following behind. Slicing a path through the demons, like a knife through butter.

We reached the exit and I said, "Guys go to the common room, collect everyone up and take them to the common room, and don't forget to arm yourself," to Hazel and Bob, I didn't expect Bellatrix to listen.

"But what about you, you can't kill all these demons alone?" asked Hazel anxiously, touching my arm.

Suddenly the door swung open and Jace raced in, also clutching a seraph blade.

"Bob, take her away now!" I screamed and he did.

Me and Jace went back to back, slicing rows of demons only to find more rows. Suddenly a demon lunged at me cutting my arm slightly.

"Be careful Clary," Jace screamed.

"What would you care?" I shouted back still annoyed from his make out session with Bella earlier.

"I do care," he said slicing through four demons at once.

"She bit me, I didn't know what I was doing until she broke eye connection, breaking the hypnotism," Jace yelled over the terrible roars of Raux.

"I don't believe you," I screamed infuriated, and in my fury killing about two Raux demons at once.

After knocking down a persistent demon with his hilt, he groaned as another mass of them emerged seemingly from nowhere.

"I can prove it, I have the bite marks," he pleaded, looking into my eyes for a split second before going back to killing.

"Oh," I say, only just loud enough for him to hear.

"I'm sorry, I love you," he screams again.

"Me too," I reply, flashing him a quick smile despite the horrendous situation.

"We can't kill them, they just keep coming," I shouted in frustration. It was true. They were appearing from nowhere, one after another. We were getting tired out and they still kept coming.

"Have a little faith," he yelled back as he neatly sliced a demon in two.

"Wait, I have an idea, cover me," I said as a thought popped into my head.

I grabbed my stele from my pocket and drew a new rune, it looked almost like a fallen star burning through the atmosphere. I could visualise it in my head. Six pointy edges and a sweep through the middle. My hands seemed to have a mind of their own as they painted the symbol, but all my energy seemed to be drained.

All of the demons were flung backwards and they hit the ground, dead or unconscious, I can't tell. I don't know how, but at least the rune worked.

There was a down side though. I collapsed, exhausted onto the ground, from all the power that rune took from me, but Jace catches me, cradled me into his arms, before exhaustion takes over and I fall into a deep sleep somewhere between unconsciousness and reality...


Did any of you actually think that Clary and Jace would break up?

I mean, how long did that last?

We can't live without Clace.

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