Chapter 35

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Clary and I were standing in the carriage with Kinder and Salvia next to us. Salvia was fussing around and making some last-minute adjustments to my tie which was apparently a bit crooked whilst Kinder was just admiring Clary in the dress he had designed.

Both of them were annoying me. Kinder was starting to get on my nerves, I don't think he ought to stare at Clary like that.

But to be fair, Clary looked stunning. She was wearing a floor-length dress which trailed behind her. The top half of the dress, above her waist, was purple and so were the straps which ran around her shoulders. Below that, the gown, or whatever Kinder called it, faded slowly into a deep red colour which got lighter as it reached the floor, eventually ending up as a light crimson. Red pearls glistened at her throat and she wore a matching bracelet on her right hand.

I felt a jolt of pleasure and satisfaction as I caught side of the diamond-studded ring on her ring finger and smiled at how she had convinced Kinder to let her keep it on.

I caught her eye and we exchanged a smile. Woah, I need to stop being so soppy. It really cramps my style.

Oh well, this is Clary, she doesn't care.

I glanced around to see the 5SOS boys making their way to their own carriage as well as the little kids: Peppa Pig, Dave The Minion and Iggle Piggle.

Hermione and Tris appeared out of the doors, talking animatedly about something, along with Sherlock and The Doctor who seemed to be avoiding each other. Tris was wearing a black short thigh length dress and had a belt around her waist labelled "Divergent." Her partner, Sherlock was wearing a brown suit and hat which didn't look very special. He looked incredibly bored and grumpy at the same time.

Meanwhile, Hermione was still engaged in talking to Tris about something very interesting, apparently, judging by the look on Tris' face. Hermione was wearing a knee length scarlet red dress with ruffled sleeves and matching shoes which reminded me of Dorothy from The Wizard Of Oz. She looked simple, yet stunning. There was no doubt that Hermione was hot, but Clary beat them all.

And then there was The Doctor, avoiding eye contact with Sherlock for some odd reason. He, much to my amusement, was wearing a bright, neon yellow suit with his old fez. I saw his stylist watching despairingly, head in hands as Doctor Who marched towards the carriage confidently, and chuckled inwardly.

Percy was standing in the corner, feeding the horses sugar cubes and was wearing a blueish-green shirt which intensified the colour of his eyes.

"Tributes of the hundredth hunger games!" roared President Everdeen's voice. "Get into your carriages! The parade will begin shortly." She was seated next to a blonde haired man in the special seats right in the middle.

"Jace," whispered Clary, and I turned around to see her trembling nervously, or due to the cold. I don't know which. I awkwardly wrapped my hands around her bare arms and muttered, "It'll be fine."

We entwined our hands as the horses got lined up, ready to go. The order was totally random, and it just so happened that we were the fourth pair.

The first couple were Leonardo DaVinci and Florence Nightingale.


This is a short chapter, but hey, at least we updated! Sorry about the long wait. Honestly, we've all got really bad writers' block.

The next chapter will be from Doctor Who's POV, requested by @summithockey

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