Chapter 5

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I gasped in pain as an agonising ache shot through my arm where Sebastian had twisted it. I slumped back against the wall and slid down it, my legs collapsing underneath me. I had never realised just how powerful he was. Jace was at my side, crouching. The pain was excruciating, everything was overwhelming, I couldn't stop the tears streaming down from my eyes anymore.

Then suddenly, everything became hazy and unclear and I couldn't see anything properly.

"Clary?" I heard an urgent voice saying. "Clary?!"

I moaned, trying to wake myself up.

"Clary," said the voice more insistently.

I blinked out of my hazy unconsciousness to see a fuzzy outline. Blonde hair, anxious eyes, the slender and slim hands of a pianist...

"Jace," I whispered.

"Thank god," he said weakly, pulling me up. "You're okay."

"Of course I am," I answered, leaning on him for support. I didn't want him to think I was weak.

But I felt dizzy and hot after the events of the reaping and my arm was stinging like hell.

I tried to forget about the pain and concentrate on the boys who were being called. The Doctor, Superman, Batman and Shrek were called up. This was followed by Spiderman, Leonardo daVinci, Bear Grylls, Dave the Minion, Bob the Builder...

I let out a sigh of relief, a breath I had not realised I had been holding when I figured out that Alec, Simon and Jordan were not picked. Thank god for that. I think I still felt a little bit angry that Jace had volunteered, because I knew inside that one of us would have to die. I didn't doubt that Jace could win a fight but we didn't know what President Everdeen had in store for us for this year's Games. Especially as it was the Quarter Quell, I knew that wherever it was, it would be very bad.

I saw Jace glance at me out of the corner of his eye and give a small smile.

"Why're you staring at me?" I asked self-consciously, looking ahead at the departing crowd. They would return home and watch The Hunger Games on their televisions. It was compulsory by the Capitol's law.

"Because you're beautiful," he muttered softly, brushing my hand gently with his.

"Jace..." I hissed, blushing. "Anyway. Sebastian".

Jace rolled his eyes and swept a hand through his tousled yet perfect hair. "Do we really HAVE to talk about him now? he said leaning in for a kiss.

"Yes," I pulled away and snapped back. "For god's sake Jace, this is The Hunger Games, it's not a game!"

"Well," said Jace leaning back, putting his hands in his pockets. "They kind of are The Hunger GAMEs."

"Oh shut up," I retorted annoyed. It was infuriating how he would come up with an answer to every single thing I had to say. "Look, we need to plan something. We're going to be allies-"

"Obviously ," butted in Jace, as the Peacekeepers herded us in the direction of a long train. The one to the Capitol. I felt a scared but peculiarly excited feeling go through me as we climbed aboard. I could tell Jace felt the same way.

They gave us all separate rooms, girls on one side, boys on the other. "Should we ask for one room?"asked Jace, grinning at me.

"No, two will be better than one," I said firmly. And then seeing his face fall I added hurriedly, "But you can come in anytime, just don't lock the door," to which he cheered up again.

Jace pulled me into his room and started to kiss me. He grabbed my arms and was about to wrap them round him when I let out a short, quiet squeal of pain as he gingerly lifted up the arm that Sebastian had twisted. But I pushed the pain away and kissed him again. This time he pulled away and sat me down on the bed before walking off into the bathroom.

When he came out he was holding a bandage. He went to the mini fridge-freezer in the room and took out frozen peas,walked back over to me and placed the peas on my arm. It felt good. Then he lay me down on the bed carefully and lay down beside me. Immediately, I snuggled into his shoulder and fell asleep.


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