Chapter 19

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I knocked on the common room door and waited for somebody to open it. I could hear scuffling and muttering for inside.

Bob opened the door and grinned at me. "You don't have to knock!" he laughed, leaning in to kiss my cheek. I flinched away, an image of Augustus flashing into my mind. It was too soon for me to forget him. Looking hurt, Bob shrugged but walked away. I sighed and made my way over to where all the other tributes were sat.

"So Tris! How do we play?" asked Hermione encouragingly.

"Candor and Dauntless is essentially Truth And Dare," explained Tris hesitantly. "First somebody will start by asking anybody whether they would like a Candor or Dauntless..."

"Or a truth or dare," added Hermione.

"But if somebody refuses to do the dare, they have to remove one item of clothing," she finished.

"What the hell is the point of this game anyway?!" Snapped Bellatrix irritably.

"Aww!" Smirked Jace, chuckling. "You scared...?"

"Who is going to start?" I asked.

"Tris will coz it's her game, okay?" replied Hermione, glancing at Tris who shrugged.

"Let's play!" she announced.

Tris' eyes flicked over the tributes as I wished she would not choose me. Her eyes stopped on Bob, and she said, "Bob. Candor or Dauntless?"

"Candor," he answered immediately.

"Umm.... Who is your crush?" she asked, smiling.

Bob blushed and looked shyly down at the floor and mumbled, "Hazel."

Everybody looked at me and I wished the ground swallow me up. Thanks a lot Bob.

"Anyway," Bob said hurriedly. "I choose... Jace!"

Jace looked mildly interested now. "Dare."

"Go and get Max and get him to lick your face," he instructed. "And when he does, pull him off and reprimand him."

"That's IT?!" he asked disbelievingly. "How. Boring."

Sighing, he got to his feet and left the room. While we were waiting silently for Jace to return, a scuffling could be heard from inside the biscuit tin. Everyone glanced nervously at each other, but Sebastian and Bellatrix were busy eyeing everybody around the room to notice.

"I'll look," Clary muttered looking embarrassed and peeked into the biscuit box. And started to laugh.

"Max! Bad dog!" she giggled, lifting him out as he gave a protesting bark.

"Guys! Let's all hide from Jace and leave Max in the centre of the room," she announced.

Sebastian and Bellatrix sighed and Sebastian got to his feet.

"Little sister. You don't seem to know how to play a prank," he said sadly, walking towards Clary

She crossed her arms defiantly over her chest and raised her eyebrows at him. "FINE! What do you suggest?"

He shrugged and muttered, "We could always turn him into a goat...?"

"No," she insisted firmly, clenching her fists.

"Let's do what Clary said. It sounds good to me," said the Doctor, smiling.

Everyone rose to their feet and started finding hiding places. I went over to the sofa and crouched behind it.

A few minutes later, Jace's voice could be hard.

"Guys I couldn't find the dog," he said, pushing the door open. Then, seeing Max on the floor, "Oh."

"Where's everyone gone, hey Max?" he asked, ruffling the labrador's ears. "Dining room?"

He gave a small bark, and Jace left the room again. Obviously looking for us.

"Come out now guys!" shouted Tris, plonking herself down onto the carpet casually. Everybody came and sat back down in their original places just as Jace came in again.

"Where the hell did you go?!" he asked, shaking his head.

"Nowhere," replied Clary simply. "We were here all along."

"Whatever," he replied, looking annoyed and pulling Max onto his lap.

"Do the dare then!" I said, getting impatient now.

Jace gave me a puzzled look, that said 'Since when have you started talking?'

He lifted the dog up and Max drooled over Jace's face, followed by a sloppy lick.

"N'aaaw!" Anna laughed. "How cute!"

Clary scooped Max out of Jace's hands and placed him on the floor while Jace disgustedly tried to wipe the drool of his face.

"I'm daring Bellatrix," Jace confirmed, giving her a dirty look.

"BRING IT ON!" Bellatrix said enthusiastically.

"Snog Sebastian for 30 seconds," he laughed.

Before he could protest, she grabbed his arm and pressed her face against his viciously.

Jace whipped his phone out and started recording the whole event whilst we all sniggered. I hated Sebastian. The only time that he had talked to me, he had told me that I was a fat coward. Of course that put a good impression on me.

Finally, Sebsatian pulled away from Bellatrix and wiped his mouth on his sleeve, looking disgusted.

Bellatrix looked pleased with herself and asked Sebastian, "Truth or dare? Well dare of course. Play seven minutes in heaven with your crush."

I laughed inwardly. I can't believe that Bellatrix thought Sebastian was in love with her. She stood up confidently and gestured towards the bedroom.

"Clary," said Sebastian, completely ignoring Bellatrix.

Jace and Clary stood up and began to argue but Sebastian yanked Clary into the nearest bedroom before anybody could stop him, and locked the door behind him.

Well, this went well. Thanks Sebastian.


Have a nice day!

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