Chapter 52

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Hazel's POV

As the gong sounded, I headed off away from the cornucopia as fast as my lungs and my short legs would allow me. Bob and I had decided to head to the meadow because of its long grass which would be a perfect hiding place. We had only been bounding through the long greenery for a few minutes before I stopped, wheezing. Bob stopped a few feet away, also panting. His legs were even shorter than mine (which was surprising, as everbody else I knew just seemed to be taller than me) so in theory I should have been able to run for longer but no - cancer has now found another way to try and kill me!

After we had caught our breath back, we started wandering around the outskirts of the city. It was actually creepy just how exactly it replicated District 14. But I couldn't understand why the Gamemakers chose to make the arena this way, because surely this arena would play to our advantage as we were very familiar with our own district (obviously) and we know our way around.

"We should probably find Elsa and Anna," I suggested after a brief minute of thinking, as they were our allies after all.

"Good point," Bob replied thoughtfully.

Neither Bob nor I had actually bothered to get anything from the cornucopia. I'm not quite sure whether it was the wisest move, but I'm definitely sure that if had tried to, I would have died in the bloodbath. No doubt we would regret not making an effort to retrieve any weapons or food or just anything of use later on... if we lived till then, of course.

With a start, I remembered about Luke.

"Oh dear," I said under my breath. Bob didn't seem to have heard and carried out walking in front of me, looking determined.

Luke hadn't told me specifically that we would collaborate in the Games, but he may have assumed that. I sincerely hoped he hadn't, because the thought had never crossed my mind. This realisation made guilt flood through me. I gulped.

'He has three people to watch his back,'  I assured myself. 'It'll be fine.'

But deep down I knew that I was just trying to make excuses for something that I should have foreseen. Recently I had been questioning my hasty agreement to be his girlfriend. It seemed like it happened ages ago. Had I really want to go out with him..?

I was brought out of my depressing thoughts by Bob, who was making some excited and rather peculiar  noises.

"What is it? " I asked, catching up with him.

"Look at this," he said in a wondrous voice.

It seemed that we had arrived at a sort of junkyard, full of old machinery and bits of metal. I vaguely recognised this being on the outskirts of our district. Had we really walked that far, or was this not an exact replica of District 14? I doubt we would find out. I doubt we would live to find out, to be honest.

I heard Bob gasp from beside me, and he ran past me towards a large blue crane.

"Lofty!" he cried, gazing at it in joy.

The blue vehicle's eyes suddenly snapped open, shining brightly. I backed away, alarmed. It gave a threatening creak.

All of the other vehicles' eyes opened and they started to groan and squeak. Eerily, they burst into a spooky chorus of Bob the Builder. They started to sway to the tune, causing an awful screeching to go with the song.

For some reason the song induced an uneasy fear in my bones. I started to back away slowly.

The vehicles advanced towards us, forming an inescapable circle around the two of us.

"Dizzy?" Bob cried, confused, looking at the orange vehicle which seemed to be a cement mixer. "Wendy?"

I whipped around to see a blonde haired woman about the same height and build as Bob in the cab of a steamroller, Rolly. Could this be his girlfriend?

She was smiling viciously. Maybe not.

"Stand well away," Bob called to me, "Something weird is going on."

Yeah. I could tell.

He started to move towards Rolly, the green roller.

"Now, Wendy," he said. "It's me." Wendy carried on advancing whist remaining seated in Rolly.

Bob, panicked, shouted, "Wendy! Look me in the eye!"

I shouted to him to back away. It was so obvious that this was never going to work. Something was clearly wrong.

He turned, and with wild eyes, yelled: "Find Anna!" as Rolly accelerated even closer towards him.

He was dragged underneath Rolly's heavy wheels, and with an anguished yell, I sprinted away with tears in my eyes. It would be too distressing for me to see Bob's crumpled body. Bob, the only ally I had. Clary had asked me if I wanted to form an alliance with her and Jace a while after we had been reaped. I had feared she had only asked out of pity for me. Seeing as she had never bothered to bring up that topic again, I guess I was right.

I forced myself not to look back as I ran, sobbing.

This was the second time in my life that I had felt so utterly alone in the world.


guess when the first time was??  starts with G and ends with S  mwahahahahahahah sorry I'm evil


I think it's just me tbf bc Bryony is in Portugal and Brittany is in Florida but wait

idek what Anya is up to XD


And also, I know this is a pretty short chapter, but we will try our best to update soon and this seemed the best point to end it :)

byeee ~ holly

ps you should totally follow me on my instagram account @clacexherondale ok wink wink

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