Chapter 51

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lucky's my sebby and he always will be okay okay

Bear Grylls' POV

Day One

As the horn sounded from the cornucopia, I immediately grabbed Peppa Pig and Iggle Piggle and ran towards what looked like a grassy meadow. There wouldn't be as many resources there as in the jungle, but I bet that's where most of the tributes would go. And too many tributes meant that there was too much risk being found by them. There would at least be some edible plants here, and most likely some water, because of the thick vegetation.

I had planned what I was going to do once in the games, and I had a feeling some people weren't going to like it. At all.

We trudged through the long grass, at a very slow pace. I started to pick edible plants as I went because I needed to collect as much food as possible right now as the other tributes would get to it before me if I didn't do so. Peppa Pig and Iggle Piggle, as I had predicted, were absolutely no use (right now) but trailed after me.

We walked quietly, not making any conversation. Well, only 1/2 of my companions could talk anyway...

As the night started to fall I thought about lighting a fire before it got too cold or dark. Time for plan A...

As quick as a flash I tackled Iggle Piggle to the floor and pinned him downi. I then drove two sharpened sticks through each of his hands and feet to fasten him to the floor. I proceeded to disembowel him by dragging my knife down his abdomen and pulling out the neon pink fluff from inside him. He looked up at me pleadingly before the life slipped out his glass eyes.

"It's pink," I said to myself, surprised, putting the fluff to one side. This would be ideal fire material.

Now I'll have to hide this somehow, if I wanted not to be spotted.

As it was getting colder by the minute, I decided to do something about it.

I gathered a stick and a larger plank-like piece of wood, and took my shoelace out of my boot. I wound the lace around the stick and placed the tip of the stick into the middle of the plank. I pulled the lace from side to side, causing the stick to rotate quite fast. Eventually, smoke started to trail from the groove my stick had made in the plank. Exhausted from all the effort I had been putting into the fire, I placed some of the neon pink fluff on to the wood and blew gently. After a minute or two of blowing, a small flame ignited. I gently piled on dry grass and twigs, taking care not to smother it, before adding larger sticks and logs to keep it going. Perfect. A nice roaring fire.

I gathered the rest of the fluff and stuffed it back into the blue material that was Iggle Piggle's skin. It was less visible like that.

The sound of a cannon echoed through the arena, marking the passing of Iggle Piggle. Good thing he was gone. He was more of a hindrance than a help. However I would keep Peppa... for a little while, at least.

Suddenly, I realised that she was tugging on the corner of my shirt, making frightened noises.

"What?!" I snapped, and then followed the direction of her gaze to see a hovercraft approaching the ground. "Of course," I realised, reprimanding myself mentally for forgetting. "They collect the dead tributes bodies in the hovercrafts."

So they were here to collect Iggle Piggle. I needed to get out of this area- and fast. Because the hovercraft would attract too much attention and that is the last thing I wanted so early on in the Games.

"You're going to have to-" I broke off as I saw Sebastian approaching, a thin later of sweat covering the top of his forehead and his hair contrasting massively with the greenness of the surroundings. He was flanked by Bellatrix.

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