Chapter 11

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Clary and I got into pairs straight away and I saw that Bob The Builder was partnered with Hazel. They looked very cute together.

A man and a woman approached us and started to introduce themselves.

The man said, "Hi Clarissa. I am Kinder, I will be your stylist and will design and create all of the outfits you will be wearing during public viewings. Jace, your stylist will be Salvia. Even though we have been assigned to each person me and Salvia will be discussing our outfits together so they are related somehow and match."

I looked at Clary and she nodded, taking it all in. She didn't looked worried or scared... But since after I had left for a shower this morning, she had this sort of wariness about her and kept glancing around quickly as if she expected somebody to appear. Or maybe I was just being too overprotective. Most likely the latter. I knew that if anything had happened, Clary would be bound to tell me.

Salvia said, " We have decided to base your outfits on runes for the Tribute Parade."

Clary looked embarrassed but I was really excited although I did not show it.

Kinder tapped Clary's shoulder and pulled her to one side. "I would like to speak to you privately."

I shook my head in disagreement and asked irritatedly, "Why do you need to take Clary away?"

"Kinder shall be measuring her, and I will be measuring Jace," assured Salvia smoothly, smiling at me.

"Can we not swap?" I asked, not wanting Kinder to see Clary's body.

"No," said Kinder firmly and took Clary into another room.

I was left with Salvia.

"So, Jace!" She beamed, fumbling for the tape measure. "Let's start with measuring your shoulders."

"When did you start working working for the Capitol?" I asked while she measured my shoulders.

"Well this is my third year," she began, scribbling my measurements down onto paper.

"And do you enjoy it?" I asked , removing my shirt.

And then it dawned on me: Clary was doing the same thing with Kinder.

"Hey!" I yelled suddenly pushing Salvia out of the way while she tutted in annoyance. "How is Kinder going to measure Clary?"

"The same way I am measuring you," replied Salvia, shrugging. "It's FINE, Jace, we do this all the time."

I knew they wouldn't listen to me so I sat back down and she carried on measuring me.

After a while chatting, I remembered something and gasped.

"Salvia...." I asked hesitantly, looking at her curiously. "Would you do a favour for me...?"


Ooooh... So what's the favour? Any guesses? ;)


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