Chapter 48

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Calum's POV

Day One

I whisked around as Luke grunted behind me. I immediately saw he had a short, fat knife embedded in his left shoulder. From where he was standing, I could see that the knife would have hit me right in the middle of my back.

Oh my God. Luke saved my life.

Michael turned around too and quickly dragged all of us into the nearest cellar, before anything worse could happen. We had hidden from crazy fans here once before.

As soon as we got down the stairs, I could see Luke was starting to sway on his feet. We all looked at Ashton as if we were asking him what we should do.

"Why is everyone looking at me?" he asked.

"Well, you are the dad-father," I replied, trying to lighten the spirits, but only receiving a glare in return.

"Ok Luke, we gotta take that thing out." Ashton took charge.

Luke gulped, and tried to speak but only managed a mumble.

Ashton knelt down next to Luke, who was by now lying on the floor.

Michael was rummaging in the pack that I had managed to get hold of to find a roll of white bandages. He held them up with a grin, and shouted, "Hey! Check it out!"

"Perfect," Ashton said quickly, still focussed on the task in hand.

He took a gentle hold of the knife and whipped it out as quickly as he could, before pressing the bandage onto the wound. Luke gave a low scream, and then became silent once again.

I felt a pang of guilt in my chest and temporarily turned away from the guys to hide the look on my face. Instead of being a soppy idiot I decided to go and be useful. They all gathered around Luke and helped him onto a neglected sofa in the corner.

Finally I decided to speak. I had partially overcome my shock and I rushed over to Luke, words tumbling out of my mouth. "Luke you idiot Luke why did you do that Luke you could have got yourself killed I can't believe you- For me, Luke, for me ?"

Luke shrugged his shoulders and then winced, obviously forgetting about his injury. Michael slapped him gently on the side of his head, muttering "Stupid".

Luke looked down sheepishly.

"Luke," I repeated persistently.

He finally looked up at me. I stared into his crystal-clear blue eyes and said, "Don't ever do that again. Ever."

"Fine. But I can't promise anything," Luke replied.

"You always choose Calum!" said Michael with a laugh. It sounded like he was joking, but it had an edge to it.

I glanced at him uneasily but he wouldn't make eye-contact with me. The moment passed, and I figured that we should probably make a plan of action for the rest of the games, so I began: "So. What now?"

"We could go to the woods. I bet that's where most of the food is," Michael piped up.

"Good point," replied Ashton thoughtfully, "But that's also where most of the other tributes are. It might be best for us to stay here for a while. No-one will guess we are in a cellar."

"Besides," added Luke, "we have Calum's pack."

At the mention of my name, Michael rolled his eyes again and I felt a pang of annoyance and shook it off. I couldn't afford to get into arguments with my bandmates when we were in The Hunger Games.

Ashton grabbed the pack and brought it over. As we emptied it, we found one sleeping bag, a tarpaulin, the roll of bandages we had used before, a small pocket knife, an empty water bottle, a pack of dried fruit and some dry crackers.

"Ok, so we'll just hide here for most of the games?" I questioned.

"Deal," said Michael.

Hiiii everyone :)
Sorry this is kinda late but we have 6 days of exams which is just annoying. Uuurrrrghhh. But they're nearly over now and we're going to have a picnic at the end to celebrate (as well as it not being long until Rosie's birthday!) Next chapter's gonna be Sherlock so keep reading! Love you x -Bry

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