Chapter 44

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Fyi, this is a snippet of what people who are not in the Hunger Games are doing and Max in this chapter is the Dauntless leader Max - not the dog.


"Come on, Four, work with me here. We need a new Dauntless leader and I am not putting Eric in charge!" Max yelled after me as I left the meeting room.




"Why not?"


"If it's about Tris... " he started.

"It's not, she's coming back," I yelled furiously, cutting him off.

"And I've been saying no to this long before she was in my life so don't even try playing that card," I mumbled, an image of Tris now appearing in my mind. Thanks Max (!)

Suddenly, Caesar Flickerman's voice blared from the TV screen which was located on one of the corridor walls. These TVs were dotted all around the Dauntless Compound and would screen the Hunger Games right through to the end. Till only one person remained.

"Beatrice Prior!"

I immediately turned to face the screen as Tris walked onto the stage wearing the Dauntless uniform. Even on screen she was as beautiful as an angel. Her face was strained into a forced smile.

"Come on Four, you know watching this will just make you angry," Max pointed out sympathetically.

"I know that but I need to see her. I..." I paused, "I know that she might not come back..."

I turned away from him so that he wouldn't see any emotion betrayed in my eyes. "I'm not stupid. So I need to see her while I can."

Max sighed in exasperation," Four, you gotta get over it."

I ignored him and carried on watching the interview.

"So Beatrice, how are you feeling about the upcoming Games? Feeling homesick at all?" Caesar was saying.

"Four GET OVER IT, you're not the only one who's upset about Tris leaving!" Max shouted.

I laughed dryly. "What, you think you even know what I'm feeling? I lost my everything when her name was called on reaping day."

Saying that Tris was my whole life would not be an overexaggerated statement because besides her, I didn't have anyone else. Well, unless you wanted to count a father that had made my childhood a living hell and Evelyn (or should I say Mum?), who was too busy taking advantage of her power. Her priority was definitely not me and neither of them particularly cared what happened to me.

I paused, "You're just annoyed that you couldn't have her as the new Dauntless leader now she's gone."

Max sighed, "I didn't mean me, but what about her friends? Her brother? Did you even think about them?"

That was true, I hadn't been to see if Christina, Will, Uriah and Caleb were alright.

"Oh," I mumbled, "I didn't think about them."

"That's right. Because you're the mighty Four and you only ever think about yourself " he yelled.

"I'll take the job when Tris comes back or... you know," I said because I knew he was right .

"Thanks Four. And you really should see Tris' family and friends!" he added.

"I will, thanks Max," I said before heading in the direction of Uriah's apartment.

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