Chapter 49

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Sherlock's POV

Day One

I had found my coat in the Cornucopia along with my hat. Immediately I deduced that one of the cameras must be located inside the tree next to the fountain, because it was the nearest landmark around this area. Also, the tree clearly looked too perfect to not be artificial.

So I trampled on my hat as I smiled an exaggeratedly forced smile into the camera, saying, "I never liked the hat anyway."

Then I picked up my coat and slipped into it, turning my collar upwards and stalking off in the direction of a large lake in the forest with the Doctor.

"So, I'm guessing we should head towards that lake over there. But we should stick to the woods side, as there's more cover," he said.

"That's exactly what I was going to say!" I exclaimed and stopped in my tracks.

The Doctor carried on walking expressionlessly.

"Well. Rude," I remarked as I hurried to catch up with him.

We walked briskly past the last house of the neighbourhood until we reached the forest. There were four sets of footsteps heading in the opposite direction. Hmm...

"By the way they've put their toes down lightly, I can tell some of them are shadowhunters," I said to the Doctor, trying to show off my intelligence.

Obviously Jonathan and Clarissa, because Sebastian wouldn't travel with another Shadowhunter.
There is a possibility that Sebastian had captured Clarissa, but if that was the case her footprints would be more uneven, as she would have been struggling.

"Yes," he agreed, "I was going to say that, but because I saw these two are very close together they must be Clary and Jace."

He waved his sonic screwdriver in my face. I was more than a little bemused.

"Hey! We have almost the same IQ!" he said excitedly.

"Let me see that," I said, snatching the screwdriver off him. "Ha! I'm smarter than you!" I teased gleefully.

"Only by one," he replied, slightly miffed.

"How does it do that anyway?" I asked. "I didn't think sonic screwdrivers could do that."

"Oh, I had it modified. Figured it could be helpful at some point."

I shrugged and kept throwing twigs ahead of us, checking for an inevitable force field that would be there to keep us from escaping.

As we arrived in the woods, we decided to keep to the lake as that way we would have a constant source of water as well as cover from the woods. As we neared the end of the lake, one of the twigs I threw hit an invisible wall and bounced back onto the floor in front of us.

We stopped in our tracks. We both turned 360 degrees, throwing more twigs in every direction. The wall turned a ninety degree corner, and kept going for as far as we could walk until we reached the lake and could go no further.

"We should probably go and check out the size of the other side," I suggested. "Most of the arenas I've studied have been circular, but obviously this one can't be."

"Agreed." replied The Doctor. "But for now, we should set up camp."

"You're such a good assistant!" I commented subconsciously. Then I realised John would be jealous, so I wink day the camera to show I was joking.

"I'm no assistant," he replied agitatedly. "If anything, you should be my assistant."

"I can't be your assistant," I argued. "I've it the higher IQ."

"Should we measure the other side now?" the doctor asked, disgruntled.

I agreed and we walked along one of the sides, throwing bits of forest litter as we walked. The side measured at approximately 1900 metres.

"Assuming this arena is a square, which it looks like it is, it is about 3,610,000 metres squared," I calculated.

"There are 21 tributes alive so far. That means we only have a one in a thousand chance of running into someone, considering where we are in the arena," the doctor replied.

There was a rustling in the large shrub behind us, and we were both instantly alert.

"Ok, maybe that probability was slightly inaccurate," whispered the Doctor.

Suddenly, a rabbit dashed out from the bush. My quick reactions forced me to pull my pistol out of my coat pocket and shoot it straight through the head.

The doctor jumped at the bang, before saying "oh."

"Well, at least we have something for dinner," I said, trying to look on the bright side.

"So, any suggestions for what we do for the rest of the games?" inquired the Doctor.

"Yes." I replied. "Remember the plan."

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Hiii guys, so we decided to write a Sherlock chapter because he's just awesome. YASS -H.

Problem is, we discovered we had to actually write clever stuff like he would, sooooo... We tried. Thanks for reading!

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