Chapter 30

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"Jace for god's sake! I was talking to Luke!" I hissed angrily as he shut the door behind us.

"More like flirting with him," he snapped.

"I wasn't flirting with him, but you can't talk. You flirt with everybody!" I replied, annoyed at him.

"Clary, are you still talking about Bella?" Jace asked, a frown creasing his forehead.

"Yes. No. You kissed her," I answered pointedly.

"Clary, I told you. I was waiting for you in the common room and she just came up to me and bit me," he insisted, pulling down his collar to reveal two bright red piercings.

"Aww poor you. Did you get an ouchie?" I mocked him sarcastically. "You could have pushed her away."

"She hypnotised me! I couldn't even move!" he retaliated defensively.

"Okay fine but I'm still pissed," I muttered. What kind of an excuse was that?! Actually. It was a pretty good excuse. Oh god why can't I stay angry with him?

I pause for a moment and laughed at our stupidity.
After a moment, Jace joined in.

"But seriously Jace, I wasn't flirting with Luke," I explained. "I'm just a major fan of their music. So is Izzy."

Jace rolled his eyes and shrugged. "Whatever. It would be better if 5SOS weren't even in the games."

"I know," I interrupted. "I'm sorry."

Jace' eyes widened in surprise. "Sorry for what...?"

"I could have saved them!" I burst out, anguished. "If I had just been quicker drawing that rune-"

"No Clary!" Jace replied desperately. "Not everything bad that happens is because of you!"

"By the angel, Jace. This whole demon invasion was my fault because SEBASTIAN, my brother, was behind it," I screamed shrilly, unable to hold it in. I hated it when Jace thought he could protect me from the harsh truth as if I couldn't stand it.

"No Clary!" Jace interrupted desperately, running a hand through his hair. "Not everyone's death in this world is your fault!"

He took a deep breath, seeming to me as if he was mentally preparing himself for something. "Sebastian and you, you may have the same last names. You may both be Morgensterns. You might both have the same parents-"

'I KNOW, I KNOW! I know too well!' I wanted to shout, but he gave me a quelling look that made me close my mouth again.

"You might share the same blood," he continued in a soft voice, so different from the one he had used first when he had accused me of flirting with Luke. This was the voice that I had fallen in love with, this musical and melodious voice. "But that, Clary, does not mean that you are the same people. Not at all. You are completely different people, with completely different personalities and just because he is your brother, it doesn't mean that everything he does is your fault. That is his own responsibility and if he is abusing his rights, then that is his problem solely and you should not and will not feel guilty for what he has done. From now."

Tears filled my eyes and I sank to the floor, overcome with everything that had happened. I was so weary, so tired of these Hunger Games even though they had not even started yet. Back in District 14, Jace and I could have been leading a normal life with Simon, Alec, Izzy, Jordan, Maia and Magnus. I could be a normal daughter of Jocelyn and Luke. I felt a pang of home-sickness. But we had ended up here and I knew I had to stay strong even if it meant putting up with Sebastian and his rash actions.

Looking alarmed, Jace got onto his knees beside me in the corridor and it struck me how weird this would look to somebody passing by. "Clary-" he said, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Two people died, Jace!Because of him." I screamed uncontrollably. The words echoed in the passageway. What had got into me? Why couldn't I control my emotions? "How would you feel if I died? Would you not care?!"

Jace flinched back, bewildered. I didn't blame him. I was acting like a maniac. "Of course I would care," he whispered. "But maybe these deaths... Maybe their deaths here were better than a tortured and cruel death in the arena."

It took a moment for that to sink in. I realised what Jace had said was quite true. At least Shrek and Superman didn't have to see or put up with the horrors of the arena.

Suddenly the door opened and I looked up to see a brown haired boy with a lopsided smile standing above me. "Hey hey," he said, mildly surprised, raising his eyebrows at Jace. "What're you doing with my girlfriend?"

"She's. Not. Your girlfriend," growled Jace, getting to his feet.

"Don't Jace," I interrupted. I didn't want to see any more arguing, and besides, Percy flirted with everyone.

Percy shrugged and said, "Anyway, I came to let you know that Leonardo daVinci just figured out that you can use your phones for the timebeing to call or text because the signal blockage that was put up by the Gamemakers has been broken due to the demon attack."

As Percy went back into the common room, Jace and I looked at each other and I felt a small glimmer of hope. Now I could talk to my family and friends.

I said "We can tell them about the engagement. Let's do Maryse first."

After a lot of awkward conversation about the Games we explained about the engagement.

"We'll, she seemed happy about it," I said trying and failing to keep the smile from my face.

"Next Joyceln," Jace said gulping. We knew that at the beginning, mum didn't seem to have completely 'adored' Jace... But surely she would be happy about it?

Again after the small talk, we TRY to explain about the engagement.

"No, no way is my daughter marrying at 17," she screamed down the phone.

"Mum, if we don't get engaged now we can be never married," I screamed back, which made her stop talking for a second before she agreed.

"She agreed... wow..." Said Jace as I hung up and smiled an even bigger smile if possible.

"Izzy and Simon now," I say dialling Izzy.

"Hey Iz," me and Jace shouted down the phone, grinning. Talking to our family and friends seemed to dissolve our anxiety.

"Clary, Jace, ahhhh I missed you so much. Hang on! Let me get Simon, Alec and Magnus okay?"

"I knew you would find someway of disobeying the Capitol, Fray" came Simon's voice a moment later, laughing.

"Actually I'm not gonna be a Fray for much longer," I said nervously, anticipating his reaction.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I'm so happy for you, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, can I organise the wedding, plllleeeeaaaaasssssseeeeeee?! ," Issy shouted over Simon's voice.

"Um Issy, I don't think there will be a wedding with the Games and all," Jace said his voice fading as he spoke and with the line cut off.

I didn't know what to say. So I brought my lips to Jace's and pressed them gently.

"Shhh," I whispered.


Boring ending, right? Sorry.

Thank you for all your support, comments, reads and votes! It is really encouraging!

3.7K + now! WHOO! 4k here we come.

And readers, we've decided to update either once or twice a week because we won't be seeing each other during the summer holidays.

Our updating times will hopefully be Tuesdays and Saturdays. Unless we're feeling nice, then we may update more.

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