Chapter 39

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"You look lovely, big sis," Anna said, giving me a hug. Then she added cheekily, "for the first time in forever."

"Anna!" I said, pretending to be shocked, and then laughed. "Anyway, I've gotta go now, it's our turn in a couple of minutes."

"And besides, Jack is probably getting impatient," she smirked, her green eyes sparkling.

I rolled my eyes. "Oh ha-ha Anna," I said, although I felt a little sparkle of joy at the thought of Jack.

"You know he loooooooves you," taunted Anna, cuddling Max, who she had grown very attached to. Even though he belonged to Clary, she managed to persuade her that she could take care of him during the Parade as she would probably have other stuff she would want to do. I wonder where Clary is now.

"So does Kristoff!" I retorted.

"Hurry up Elsa!" shouted Jack, gesturing at me that it was our turn.

"Gotta go Anna, I'll watch you and Dave," I said before hurrying (as best as I could in my glass stilettos) towards Jack.

He offered me a hand and pulled me up next to him.

Then he turned to face me and gently tucked a strand of stray hair behind my ear and smiled.

"You look wonderful," he muttered, before turning a pale pink colour and turning away from me abruptly.

A hot flush crept into my cheeks as I turned the opposite direction to him just as the carriage rolled out into view of everybody.

Jack and I got along great and we found it really easy to make general conversation, but it was still awkward when we complimented each other. Even though Jack seemed funny and outgoing, I figured out that he had a shy personality in him too.

From the reaction of the audience, I managed to gather this much: they liked our outfits.

I was wearing a tight-fitting blue gown made of a shimmery material (only my stylist knows what that is), along with transparent glass shoes which were a pain to walk in (literally!). My stylist had decided to leave my hair as it was, because it was a "natural look" and "complimented" the outfit.

The make-up took forever though. Heavy mascara which made my long eyelashes look impossibly longer and bright red lipstick to bring out the colour in my cheeks. Now though, I really didn't think that was necessary as my cheeks were burning like hell. Nobody would ever believe I was the queen of winter. The eyeshadow that had been applied on me was very glittery: it was pale blue, getting darker as it went across my eyelid, eventually ending up as purple.

Jack had a pretty similar costume to me in terms of colour as our stylists had thought that it would look effective. His blazer was a purply-blue and his tie was a lighter blue, the colour of my dress, and was decorated with snowflakes.

"These outfits beat the ones from the Games 25 years ago," loudly commented a lady from District 1.

President Everdeen threw her a disapprovingly filthy look. She hated any criticism of the Games in which the "star-crossed lovers" of District 12 wore costumes which caught flames, designed by Cinna. She had now started chatting with Mr Mellark, not looking very happy with how the Parade was going so far.

Before I knew it, we had reached the end of the path. We accepted a final round of applause before waving for the last time and getting off the carriage.

"OMG did you see the man wearing the cape in the audience? He looked like Professor Snape!" I said, laughing.

"I don't know who Snape is... But I saw that guy, he looked like he was about about to kill us," Jack remarked.

"Snape teaches potions at Hogwarts, remember?" I said.

"Well, I don't go to Hogwarts like you, I got an apprenticeship with Santa Claus."

"Oh, thats cool," I said enthusiastically "What did you do?"

"Ummmmmmm, we wrapped presents and sang Christmas songs," he mumbled.

"That's so cool!" I said. "So are you going to take over the Christmas present job when he retires?" I asked.

"Santa... Retire... yeah, right... I just help out," he said smiling. "It's fun." I could tell he loved his job.

"That's so cute," I gushed.

"Shut u... ," he started.

"No you shut up," I interrupted pressing my lips to his.


Ok, so here's the new update. It's the first one on Holly's new phone. Holly's telling me what to write and she wants me to put that she just did a poo. No I didn't but Anya just did and she would like to share the news with you guys. So yeah. I'm not lying Holly just pooped her pants.
Bryony also says she did. No I didn't Bryony is busy on her phone in her own world dreaming about Danny so yeah... And Anya is lying... ok ... ok just kidding, no-one pooped.

Okay now that's clear remember to:





Ahh, it has no emojis, what will I do with my life?

I just realised how short this chapter is. OOPS. Will update as soon as poss though.

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