Chapter 42

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Today was the day of the interviews and it meant I could finally tell people about me and Clary's engagement.

I woke beside my beautiful fiancé who was still sleeping. She looked so delicate and vulnerable in her sleep and it scared me that there was no way I could protect her from her nightmares that were becoming more and more frequent and frightening.

She woke with a start and I instantly pulled her into a hug.

"Sshhh, Clary, it's okay, your safe, your with me!" I mumbled into her hair.

She calmed down and I felt her relax in my arms.

"You know, it's the interviews today, we can finally tell everyone about the engagement..." I added.

Her eyes lit up for a split second but then she sighed and closed her eyes, shaking her head.

"What's wrong?" I asked, frowning.

"What's the point?" she mumbled, pulling her legs up to her chest. "It's not like...I mean, oh never mind... We can all dream can't we?"

I opened my mouth to argue, to insist that we would both get through this completely fine, but I knew just as well as anyone else that there could only be one winner.

"If we did have a wedding though... It would be great," Clary said, her eyes glazing over wistfully.

"It would," I agreed, wrapping an arm around her tiny bird like frame. "We could have a midnight based theme, just like our first kiss in the greenhouse."

She slipped a hand into mine.

"And we could have little lights all over the ceiling to depict the stars, and flowers lining the aisle," she mumbled.

"And you would walk down the aisle and I would hold my breath the whole way, longing for you to be in my arms," I continued. "And your dress..."

"The white and golden one that I saw a few years ago," Clary interrupted. "I vowed to myself that that was what I would wear at my wedding because it was so beautiful but now..."

Her voice cracked and a few tears slid down her cheeks.

"We could fantasise all day, lying here in bed, but life just doesn't work that way," she sobbed quietly, burying her face into my shoulder.

"No Clary, don't cry, if I can't have my wedding I can at least dream it, right?" I said, kissing her forehead.

"Imagine Clary, us, married." I murmured softly into her hair.

"The look on Luke's face as he gives me your hand, tears in his eyes, happy tears."

"Your mum, our mum, would be crying too, happy tears, and Izzy and Alec and Maryse and Robert. Our Family. Imagine it, Clary."

"Jace, Jace stop," Clary pleaded, her tears wetting the sleeve of my sweater.

"Sorry I went too far," I mumbled. But in all honesty I wanted to continue my daydream. A daydream that never would be.

We lay there for a while in silence until Clary pulled her face away from my shoulder and turned to face me. Her usually bright eyes were dull, without any spark in them at all and her face was wet with tears. My heart ached to see her this way.

Then Salvia burst through the door.

"Jace, we are late, hurry out of bed. Oh and have you seen Clary, Kinder has been looking for her?" she asked, not noticing Clary.

"CAN YOU KNOCK PLEASE?!" I yelled angrily.

"Too late... Now get up."

"What's the time?" I grumbled as I reluctantly got up.

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