Chapter 38

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After the shooting incident involving Hermione and Ronald Weasley, the Parade carried on as normal. I couldn't see Hermione anywhere but I guessed that she had gone somewhere to talk about what had just happened with Ronald. I had no idea what was going on. All I knew was that Ronald was Hermione's boyfriend so I was quite puzzled about why he had tried to shoot her.

Anyway. Not my problem.

"Clary Fray and Jace Herondale!" announced Alan Sugar.

Jace grabbed hold of my hand and held it up as the gates opened and our carriage made its way up the path. I look at him and he smiled his smile and for the millionth time I admired the beauty of his cheekbones.

"You look beautiful baby," he whispered as cheers erupted all around us.

I tried furiously not to blush and waved at the over-excited crowd.

"As do you," I replied back, still smiling and nodding at the audience.

"They love you," chuckled Jace at the eager crowd.

"They love both of us," I pointed out.

"Clary. Look at your dress," he said simply.

I had. And it was true. The dress, which was designed by Kinder, was exceedingly stunning. It was designed especially to look good with my red hair, and even Jace had eventually admitted what an amazing job Kinder had done of making the dress. The bodice was a rich purple colour and was in the shape of a glittering black rune which wrapped around my shoulders as sleeves.

Jace, on the other hand, was wearing a simple black suit with a blue tie but he managed to look regally magnificent in that. Anyway, he had argued with Salvia that he didn't want to wear anything flashy.

The audience was beside themselves with joy. There was so much excitement this evening, what with the shooting at Hermione, our outfits, betting on who would win the Games and to top it all off, this was a Quarter Quell which involved tributes from District 14- the District of people with special powers. Everybody was eager to find out what the tributes' powers were, but not all of us were comfortable with disclosing that information as some people wanted to keep their power a secret, probably to unexpectedly unleash it at the last moment.

It finished much quicker than I expected. I had been anticipating it since I originally entered the Games but it was already over! I wondered how many sponsors we had got.

"Earth to Clary?" laughed Jace, who had already jumped off the carriage and was offering me a hand.

I smiled at him jokingly, saying "What a gentleman."

"Well we're engaged so it wouldn't hurt to act like a married couple would it?" he retorted.

Smiling, I placed my hand gently on his arm and stepped off the carriage, trying unsuccessfully to not trip over my dress.

"Oops," I giggled as my high heels caught on the hem of my dress and caused me to fall into Jace's arms.

He wrapped his arms tightly around me and leaned over me. I gazed back at him, enraptured by those gorgeous golden eyes.

Without a word, he leaned down further and kissed me. I gave a muffled exclamation of surprise but eventually gave in and kissed him back. He tasted of lemon and soap.

"Ouch," I cried out suddenly, breaking away from Jace.

"Clary, are you okay?" asked Jace, immediately alert, his hand protectively around my back. "Did I hurt you?"

I breathed heavily, a hand over my stomach. "Nothing," I replied once I had caught my breath. My stomach felt like it was being twisted but I didn't want to alarm him or ruin the evening which had been going smoothly and perfectly for us. "Just a stomach cramp."

"Babe, go and sit down. I'll go and get us some drinks," he said, looking concerned.

I nodded and headed into the shelter where Sherlock, Florence Nightingale, Leonardo daVinci, Tris and the Doctor were gathered. They were talking amongst themselves. There was no sign of Hermione.

"You look fabulous," Florence smiled at me.

"You aced it girl!" Tris said but then noticed my expression. "Hey, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," I said hurriedly. Why was I making a big deal about a stomach cramp? "Thanks, you guys were great."

Tris nodded, still looking unsure. "Why don't you come and sit with us, we-"

"No thanks," I cut them off, wincing at the pain. "I just.. Needed to use the toilets."

She nodded, looking a bit worried.

I didn't even know where the toilets were. I didn't even need to go! I just didn't feel like talking for some weird reason. I was feeling so weird. I headed off in some random direction through a couple of rooms until I arrived in a room full of books, presumably a library. I had no idea why they would build such a grand place when it would only be used once a year.

I headed inside and wandered aimlessly through the aisles of shelves which were full of all types of books until I came within sight of the window. I began to walk towards it so that I could see whose turn it was now on the Parade when I realised that there was somebody who was standing in front of it. A tall, black-clothed figure.

I swore silently in my head and quickly and quietly started to walk backwards.

"Not so fast, little sister," drawled a voice. The voice which sent fear coursing through my veins.

He had spotted my reflection in the clearly polished glass of the window.

I stood frozen in place as he covered the distance between us in three strides.

"Did I mention," Sebastian continued lazily, his breath unnervingly close to my face. "That you look gorgeous today?"

I stiffened. My mind was racing. "Crap crap crap why did I come here why did I not just sit there with Tris and the others?"

"Yes, I have been told by quite a number of people," I said stiffly, crossing my arms over my chest protectively.

"Ooh, I like the feistiness," he smirked, tilting my chin upwards.

"I don't need your approval though," I hissed back.

"I don't need your approval," he mimicked me in a high-pitched voice. "You little cutie."

A pain stabbed at my stomach again and I couldn't stop myself gasping and leaning over, hand on my stomach.

"What is it Clary?" he smirked. "Are we having a tummy-achie?"

I stood up straight again, trying hard not to make the pain obvious, and looked him in the eye. He was my brother, even though I hated it and I refuse to let him intimidate me.

"Shut the hell up Sebastian," I said, hoping my voice wasn't trembling as much as I thought it was.

"Where does it hurt?" he said seductively, placing a hand on my stomach. Too close for comfort. "Here?"

My insides squirmed in disgust. This perverted creature in front of me was my brother, my blood relative.

"Sebastian. Don't. Touch. Me," I said through gritted teeth, making a move to step away from him. But he was too quick for me.

He placed another hand around my back and pulled me close to him.

My body was screaming 'No no no, this is wrong!' and my heart was thudding dangerously fast.

He pecked at the corner of my lips and then whispered into my hair, "You are my sister. I own you. I can touch you however, whenever, wherever I like."


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