She's The One

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I lay in my bed at my house and stared at the dark red ceiling. I twirled my old engagement ring in between my fingers and gave up trying to think about things other than Rain.

I could still hear her laugh.

I could still see her smile.

I could still feel her lips on mine.

The air around me felt heavy with my thoughts.

It wasn’t luck that we had met, nearly ten years ago. It wasn’t chance.

It was fate.

We were meant to have Jeph. We were meant to be together. We were meant to fall in love.

My eye caught the engraving on the inside of the ring.

Il bat pour vous; It beats for you, in French.

I remembered the man behind the counter at the ring store saying the words in French when I asked him how to word what I felt.

She had flaws, yeah, but it didn’t matter to me ; I saw beyond them and the things that weren’t 'perfect' about her. She was perfect to me, even if not to everyone else.

I remembered what Sammi had once said, about loving someone truly meant being able to recognize that the person you loved had flaws, but also being able to live with them. That you understood each other’s careers and stuff, and were able to work with it.

I thought about how easily the words "I love you" slipped out when I was around her, even though I’d been restraining from saying it since she’d decided to give me a second chance. I thought about the ease in which Jepha had let me into their lives; how quickly he had accepted me as his father.

I knew in that moment: I was going to marry her.


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