Tangled Up In My Thoughts

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We finally had everything prepared and/or in the oven cooking, so it was time to open presents before dinner.

I smiled softly to myself as I stood in the doorway and watched Andy sit on the floor next to Gerard and Frank who had their son sitting with them, and Jeph jumped into his father's lap. Andy grinned down at him and after everyone was situated for the most part, Jeph only got up to gather presents that were his and unwrap them sitting with Andy. Everyone was smiling and having fun opening presents, Sammi was taking photos of everybody and helping her and Jinxx's daughter unwrap gifts.

I felt Dante's arms slide around my waist and his chin hook onto my shoulder.

I leaned back into him and we watched the scene silently for a few minutes.

"You ever think about having a kid, D?" I asked him.

He laughed quietly, the vibrations echoing through my shoulder. "I think one me is enough trouble, don't you?"

I laughed back at him. "One Andy was enough trouble, don't you think? But we have two now, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Would you?"

"No, I wouldn't." There was still the happy, carefree, joking tone in his voice, but underneath it was something serious that I could just sense. Andy glanced up and met my eyes, smiling for a moment, until he noticed Dante and the smile slid off his face, hastily looking down and smiling at Jeph instead.

"Exactly," I began to turn around to face him, but I could feel Jeph tug on my jeans and pull me away from Dante over to Andy.

Dante tossed a smile in our direction, and then turned around to go check on the food.

"Hey," Andy said quietly when Jeph had tugged me onto the floor between Andy and Gerard.

"Hi," I smiled at him and we talked about Jeph and the food for a little while.

Gerard nudged me with his elbow after a few minutes, trying to fight his way through all of thediscarded wrapping paper to do so, and whispered, "Something going on, Rain?"

I looked around, not knowing what he was talking about.

I heard an exasperated sigh and before I knew it Gerard and Frank had pulled me into the hallway.

"God, you guys are worse than Jepharee sometimes.." I muttered, picking some wrapping paper and tape off of my clothing.

"What's going on with you and Dante?" Frank asked, leaning against the wall casually and stuffing his hands in his pockets.

I was confused. "What?"

"Oh come on. Half of your fanbase ships you two, they've caught on to it, and so have we. I'm sure everyone else has, too. It's kinda like you're both thinking we won't notice. And then there's you and Andy...." Gerard said, flailing his hands about while he tried to explain his point.

Frank cut in, "Okay, so are you and Dante fucking or what?"

"What?" I repeated.

"Are you dating Dante, is what Frank meant to say." Gerard glared at Frank and muttered, "You said you'd be more subtle."

"Yeah, well-"

"Wait, wait. First of all, no, Dante and I aren't dating-"

"Well, are you fucking?" Frank asked, a curious tone to his voice and an innocent look on his face.

"No, we are not fucking. And what about Andy? Yeah, we dated a long time ago; yeah, we've got a kid. But that doesn't mean we're dating or anything."

"Okay," And before I knew it, Frank and Gerard had disappeared back into the living room and I was left standing there with my thoughts.

What was going on with Dante and I? Yeah, we'd always been close but...did I feel anything like that for him? And what about Andy? I was definitely still in love with him, I could feel it.

I didn't know what to do.


I half wish I'd made Dante and Rain get together a long time ago. But then this wouldn't be the story it has come to be.  I'm honestly not sure what direction this story is going in. How many of you are cheering on Dante? Andy? (It's my bet that the majority of you are rooting for Andy..) A lot of the events in this story are part of my own life. Nothing too major though, like having a kid and dating a band member. That hasn't happened..yet. I hope my girlfriend isn't reading this. ....Anyway. Much love to all of you. <3

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